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Dulal Mahmud

  • Editor, Fortnightly Sports Magazine Krirajagat

Editor, Fortnightly Sports Magazine Krirajagat

What do Mushfiq and Mahmudullah say?
What do Mushfiq and Mahmudullah say?

What do Mushfiq and Mahmudullah say?

When failures pile up, one must bear the weight of disgrace and humiliation. This is no secret to anyone. Fans and spectators invest their money and emotions; they expect fresh, thrilling performances. They want to see a flood of runs from the bat, to feel the joy of victory. This is the nature of entertainment. If that expectation is not met, they don’t hesitate to express their disappointment.

Sports sector awaits filling of leadership vacuum
Sports sector awaits filling of leadership vacuum

Sports sector awaits filling of leadership vacuum

With the motto "Come, let's change the country, let's change the world," the youth festival sparked a slight revival in some of the national sports federations and associations that had been latent for a long time. However, this revival was more about the festive atmosphere than actual sporting activities. It was like a brief flash of light in the darkness. Prior to this, some limited activity had been observed on Victory Day, but most federations and associations are in dark.

Mahmudullah Riyad—A cricketing star fading away
Mahmudullah Riyad—A cricketing star fading away

Mahmudullah Riyad—A cricketing star fading away

Versatile cricketer Mahmudullah Riyad may not have regrets about his career, but we certainly will. Though he has gradually stepped away from international cricket, there isn’t much emotional turmoil surrounding his departure. At 39, this player has long passed his prime. While he has occasionally showcased his skills, those moments have become rare. Yet, for various reasons, he has chosen to prolong his career in a way that diminishes his former glory.

Is this final chapter of cricket epic named Shakib?
সাকিব নামক ক্রিকেট মহাকাব্যের এটাই কি শেষ অধ্যায় দুলাল মাহমুদ

Is this final chapter of cricket epic named Shakib?

Shakib Al Hasan, widely known as the "poster boy" of Bangladesh cricket, enjoys creating a bit of mystery and taking pleasure in it. Let’s imagine symbolically—if he throws a boomerang, it will swirl around, amaze everyone, and return effortlessly to him. He loves showcasing this kind of surprise and skill, finding immense entertainment in it.

Inception victory of an undeveloped team
Inception victory of an undeveloped team

Inception victory of an undeveloped team

The British have sown the seeds of cricket wherever they have established their colonies. After gaining independence from colonial rule and being recognized as sovereign nations, some countries have been able to nurture the seeds and transform them into thriving trees. Now, it's those very nations that are governing the world of cricket. However, despite cricket being practiced during the initial British colonization in America, that trend did not persist. Although the sport initially gained considerable popularity there, its popularity eventually declined at a certain stage.