Nothing takes shape in last 53 years because of unstable state system
G.H. Habib is a legendary translator from Bangladesh. His translations of One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez, The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco, Sophie's World by Jostein Gaarder, Foundation by Isaac Asimov, and The History of the English Language by Brigitte Veyne are widely acclaimed in both Bengals. He has taken Bangladeshi translated literature to an exceptional level. Though he appears to be a translator, he is, in reality, a relentless devotee of literature. As recognition for his work, he has recently been awarded the Bangla Academy Literary Award. He studied English literature at Jahangirnagar University and is currently a professor of English literature at the University of Chittagong. Views Bangladesh had a conversation with him about his award and various aspects of translated literature. The interview was conducted by fiction writer Kamrul Ahsan.