Views Bangladesh

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Kamrul Ahsan

  • Fiction Writer and Journalist
  • Sun, 11 Feb 24
Kamrul Ahsan: Fiction Writer and Journalist
Budget for culture has increased, yet it is disappointing
Budget for culture


Fri, 7 Jun 24

Budget for culture has increased, yet it is disappointing

I was engaging in gossip with some writers and thinkers at Batighar bookstore in Dhaka, yesterday evening. A professor-writer, who has returned from abroad, said that for going forward in the literature-culture-intellectual arena of Bangladesh a large number of world literature ought to translate into Bengali. Not only literature, books on science, economics, research, technology all need a lot of translation. Then another writer made a funny comment, a thousand crore rupees should be allocated in the budget for translation. Another writer frowned and said, a thousand crores indeed is not a very big deal right now!

Poet Nirmalendu Goon has been honored with the title ‘‘Poet of Bangabandhu’’
Poet Nirmalendu Gun

Art and Culture

Mon, 13 May 24

Poet Nirmalendu Goon has been honored with the title ‘‘Poet of Bangabandhu’’

The above stanza is taken from the poem "Ami Aaj Karo Rokto Chaite Ashini" by poet Nirmalendu Goon. Nirmalendu Goon has written the most poems about the greatest Bengali of the millennium, the father of the Bengali nation, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Not only has he achieved the title of writing the most poems, but Nirmalendu Gun also holds the honor of composing the first poem about Bangabandhu. He has written a comprehensive poetry book dedicated entirely to Bangabandhu.

What's causing our intellectual chats to disappear?
What's causing our intellectual chats to disappear

Art and Culture

Sun, 12 May 24

What's causing our intellectual chats to disappear?

Once upon a time, we'd gather at the market. Just like a flock of pigeons sat on tin rooftops and listened to 'bak-bak-kum' songs during all noon, people used to immerse themselves in gossip during leisure. Our minds soared during these chats. Buddhadeb Bose said in his famous essay 'Adda', 'Does the exact synonym of Adda exist in any other language of the world? Not being a linguist, I can say no. Because there is no mood for chat in any other country, or even if there is a mood, there is no suitable atmosphere. The people of other countries lecture, joke, argue, and pass the night away, but do not hang out.'

Can Metro Rail teach us discipline?
Can Metro Rail teach us discipline?

Smart Bangladesh

Tue, 30 Apr 24

Can Metro Rail teach us discipline?

The story of our indiscipline as a nation is widely known. The indiscipline of our people is seen even in foreign airports. Those who go to the Middle Eastern countries as laborers,especially present this disorderliness in some ridiculous way. Often, they break the queues. The concerned authorities have to endure much trouble to keep them in order.

Priyo Manush: Portrait of an ABM Helal
Priyo Manush: Portrait of an ABM Helal


Wed, 24 Apr 24

Priyo Manush: Portrait of an ABM Helal

Indeed, individuals often perceive their own existence through the reflections provided by others. The portrait of a person's life is most vividly depicted in the eyes of friends, relatives, companions, and colleagues. For individuals who are writers, researchers, travelers, and publishers, their scope of self-expression is naturally broader. As companions, they form close bonds with those friendly individuals who can eloquently showcase their accomplishments and endeavors, much like crafting a bouquet of a hundred flowers.

Five solicitous books in Amar Ekhshey Book Fair
Five solicitous books in Amar Ekhshey Book Fair

Book Fair

Wed, 14 Feb 24

Five solicitous books in Amar Ekhshey Book Fair

The month-long Amar Ekushey Book Fair began two weeks ago. By this time, many important books have hit the fair. Generally, poetry books and fictions are more popular to readers. Yet some reader finds heedful books more interesting. Over the past a few years, it has been seen that the popularity of non-fictions or essay books is currently increasing in Bangladesh. Views Bangladesh correspondent has picked up five such books published this year which the readers are keeping their eyes on as well. Here's our brief take on five of those thoughtful books.