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Niaz Morshed Elite

  • Executive Director of Digital Financial System
  • Sat, 4 May 24
Niaz Morshed Elite is the president of Junior Chamber International (JCI) Bangladesh Chapter and Executive Director of Digital Financial System 'Nagad'. This young entrepreneur is also involved with Baratakia Construction, an equipment supplier and civil construction-based company.
The goal of Smart Bangladesh will be challenged If the tax holiday facility in the IT sector is removed
The goal of Smart Bangladesh will be challenged If the tax holiday facility in the IT sector is removed

Smart Bangladesh

Sat, 4 May 24

The goal of Smart Bangladesh will be challenged If the tax holiday facility in the IT sector is removed

The trade organization for the country's software and information technology service sector is the Bangladesh Association of Software and Information Services (BASIS). The election of the organization's executive committee is set to be held from May 8 to May 26, 2024. Views Bangladesh's Editor Rased Mehedi has discussed the upcoming election with IT Entrepreneur Niaz Morshed, also the Executive Director of Nagad Limited. Below is a full description of the conversation.