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Rased Mehedi

Journalist, Editor, Views Bangladesh
Make the right decision through technical query
Make the right decision through technical query

Make the right decision through technical query

The government and the Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) are apparently in a state of muddle over the reform of the telecommunications sector. In the meantime, mobile operators are trying to ensure the future control of their business by 'seizing the opportunity'. I am using the word 'seizing the opportunity' because despite repeated attempts during the previous two political governments, mobile operators did not get the desired decision in their favor. Now they are trying to cash in on the situation if they can somehow implement their desired decision during the interim government. Such an attempt has clearly been observed since the current government took office. On the other hand, network transmission operators built with domestic investment, interconnection exchanges, international gateways, and international internet gateway operators, want to preserve the existence of their systems.

Will irregularities, corruption during past regime really be unveiled?
Will irregularities, corruption during past regime really be unveiled?

Will irregularities, corruption during past regime really be unveiled?

After the July Uprising, many questions have been raised about what has happened in the information and telecommunications technology sector of Bangladesh in the past 15 years and how much corruption has occurred. As a journalist, I have reported the irregularities I found while performing my professional duties; but during the period of the ousted autocratic government, it was not easy for journalists to get information about irregularities and corruption. Perhaps, the officials of the current interim government are also facing the challenge of getting that information from the past. That is why, despite raising many allegations of irregularities and corruption, very little specific information has come to the public from the government so far. An investigation committee was formed during the current government's period. One or two committees have also submitted reports; but the reports of those committees have not come to the fore.

How much one should expect from a new political party?
How much one should expect from a new political party?

How much one should expect from a new political party?

A new political party has emerged from the streets. This party was born under the leadership of young individuals who spearheaded the July mass uprising. Now, a critical question arises: Is this truly a political party? How well does its agenda align with the political aspirations of the people of Bangladesh?

Teachers, researchers duped by fake conferences run from India
Teachers, researchers duped by fake conferences run from India

Teachers, researchers duped by fake conferences run from India

The titles of the conferences are well-thought-out and timely. The names of the organizing bodies are also attractive. The websites of these organizations are well-designed and professional, making it easy for anyone to believe that they are legitimate international research institutions or organizations. However, in reality, these sites are traps set by an organized fraud network. Every year, they list nearly a hundred conferences on their websites, collecting conference fees and defrauding participants out of hundreds of dollars. This organized group operates through almost 20 different websites under various names. According to Views Bangladesh's investigation, the group is being run from India. Members of this scam network are spread across several countries. The investigation also found evidence that a Bangladeshi citizen is involved with this fraudulent group. One of the scammers' websites, “”has the profile of a Bangladeshi individual who works as a faculty member at a private university.

Ask yourself once, please
Ask yourself once, please

Ask yourself once, please

Vandalism in Bangladeshi politics is nothing new. Since the 1990s, we have repeatedly witnessed destruction in various movements, demands, strikes, blockades, and protests. Over the past three decades, we have even seen fires set to moving passenger buses and trains, causing casualties. Yet, we have failed to establish a political culture free from such destruction.

Where is the telecom industry heading: Who will control it?
Telecom Industry

Where is the telecom industry heading: Who will control it?

The statistics grab headlines effortlessly: “Mobile internet subscriber base declines by 4.4 million.” As the Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) regularly publishes data on mobile telecommunications and broadband subscribers, journalists have easy access to these numbers. By comparing data month over month, crafting a market report becomes straightforward. Mobile operators’ officials often provide insights into the business impact of subscriber fluctuations, and at times, analysts react emotionally to the figures without deeper understanding. When such reports make headlines, even the general public, regardless of comprehension, starts worrying about the market’s trajectory.