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ZI Khan Panna

  • Brave freedom fighter, Senior Advocate and Chairman

ZI Khan Panna is a Bangladeshi lawyer and human rights activist. He is the chairman of Ain O Salish Kendra, a legal aid organisation in Bangladesh.
Bringing a taste of freedom to the barefoot slum child
ZI Khan Panna

Bringing a taste of freedom to the barefoot slum child

Fifty-five years have passed since independence. I still remember a slogan I raised in 1972, right after independence: "We will bring the taste of freedom to the barefoot slum child." Now, standing in 2025, I must admit—we failed. But we did make the country independent. How? Back then, there wasn’t a single sponge sandal factory in this country. Bengalis didn’t even know what indenting business was. Today, we manufacture everything, from shoes to construction materials. Despite having no iron ore of our own, we are now building and exporting massive ships worldwide. A boy from my village has even built and flown a helicopter! Isn’t that something to be proud of? This is how far we have come as a nation.

No one should be allowed to play with Constitution

No one should be allowed to play with Constitution

After former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina resigned and left the country in the face of student protests, a political vacuum was created. In this context, an interim government led by Dr. Yunus took charge of the state's administration. Essentially, it was the protesting students who have been controlling the interim government

We are in an era of ration card democracy
We are in an era of ration card democracy

We are in an era of ration card democracy

Valiant freedom fighter ZI Khan Panna is a senior lawyer and the chairman of the legal aid organization "Ain o Salish Kendra." He has a strong stance in all movements and struggles, including the Liberation War. He played a direct role in the recent student-led mass uprising in July-August. He shares his views on the activities of the interim government, laws, the Constitution, and the resignation of the president with "Views Bangladesh." The interview was conducted by Girish Goiric and Hasan Shahadat Touhid.

Sheikh Hasina's 'resignation' doesn't matter
Sheikh Hasina's 'resignation' doesn't matter

Sheikh Hasina's 'resignation' doesn't matter

Eminent Supreme Court lawyer and rights activist ZI Khan Panna is a brave freedom fighter. He is the chairman of Ain O Salish Kendra, a legal aid organisation in Bangladesh. He has always been vocal during various movements, struggles and mass uprisings in Bangladesh. He played a direct role on behalf of the students during the Anti-Discrimination Students Movement in 2024. The noted human rights activist talked with 'Views Bangladesh' on the functioning of the interim government, the law, the constitution and the resignation of the president. He was interviewed by Girish Goiric and Hasan Shahadat Touhid.

Amending the Constitution requires political governance
Amending the Constitution requires political governance

Amending the Constitution requires political governance

ZI Khan Panna is a veteran freedom fighter and senior lawyer. He serves as the chairman of the legal aid organization "Ain o Salish Kendra." His strong stance in various movements, struggles, and popular uprisings in Bangladesh is noteworthy. He played a direct role in the student-led uprising of 2024. In an interview with "Views Bangladesh," he discussed the activities of the interim government, the state system, and the students' uprising. The interview was conducted by Hasan Shahadat Touhid.