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Bakshal: Death of a reality and potentials
Bakshal: Death of a reality and potentials

Politics and Bureaucracy

Bakshal: Death of a reality and potentials

To implement the second revolution, Bangabandhu established the platform of national unity Bangladesh Krishak Sramik Awami League, Bakshal for short. Second Revolution and Bakshal have appeared as one and the same entity in Bengali-mentality in colloquial language. It is needless to write, as much as it is meant to be excluded rather than accepted. As much for the good as for the bad. This superstructure game of Bengali manas is of ancient times. According to Harun-or-Rashid, "Bakshal was only a component or part of the second revolution." In other words, it was a means to an end.

Even small reasons for divorce are not insignificant
বিবাহ বিচ্ছেদের কারণ ছোট হলেও অগুরুত্বপূর্ণ নয়


Even small reasons for divorce are not insignificant

Let's start with an event from this year that gained significant attention last April. Brazilian football star Kaká's ex-wife, Caroline, revealed the reason behind their divorce. She mentioned that Kaká was so perfect as a person that she had to make the decision to part ways. This statement naturally left many people surprised. Some might have even thought for a moment if they were reading it wrong. Indeed, if someone is completely perfect, why would there be a divorce? Caroline made this remark many years after their separation, when both had moved on to new relationships.

Love you very much, Dad
Love you very much, Dad

Art and Culture

Love you very much, Dad

A father is an unparalleled figure—one who delights in his child's progress more than his own. The essence of the word "Baba" is boundless, encompassing endless interpretations. Fatherhood transcends mere words; it signifies profound care and thoughtfulness towards his children. A father's influence equals that of a hundred teachers, shaping and guiding their lives. "Baba" manifests in myriad forms, offering guidance and support beyond imagination. He bears countless hardships silently, always striving to bring joy to his child's face.

Budget for culture has increased, yet it is disappointing
Budget for culture


Budget for culture has increased, yet it is disappointing

I was engaging in gossip with some writers and thinkers at Batighar bookstore in Dhaka, yesterday evening. A professor-writer, who has returned from abroad, said that for going forward in the literature-culture-intellectual arena of Bangladesh a large number of world literature ought to translate into Bengali. Not only literature, books on science, economics, research, technology all need a lot of translation. Then another writer made a funny comment, a thousand crore rupees should be allocated in the budget for translation. Another writer frowned and said, a thousand crores indeed is not a very big deal right now!

Celluloid adoration of a poet of camera
Celluloid adoration of a poet of camera

Art and Culture

Celluloid adoration of a poet of camera

If I had been told earlier that a documentary would be made, particularly featuring a photographer from Bangladesh, I would have harbored doubts about whether the work would be done with care. However, after watching "Nasir Ali Mamun in Praise of Shadows" by Makbul Chowdhury, my skepticism has vanished. Makbul has shattered my rigid conception about documentaries. This documentary, a vibrant epitome of the life of Nasir Ali Mamun, a luminary of photography, is the result of love, relentless hard work, profound research, and boundless patience.

Sabyasachi Hazra's Primer to Press
Sabyasachi Hazra's Primer to Press


Sabyasachi Hazra's Primer to Press

The epoch we live in, which started fourteen thousand years ago, is called the Holocene epoch while traces of the first village were found in Turkey some 10,000 years ago. Civilization is claimed to have started since the discovery of writing in the Sumer region of the Middle East some 6,000 years ago. Many famous nations of the world, such as English or French, do not have their own alphabet. Their language is written in Roman alphabet. We Bengalis are fortunate to have alphabet of our own. Just as no one values the luck that is found incidentally, Bengali alphabet also cannot be said to have received much attention from native researchers. Not many books or articles have been written about the Bengali alphabet in Bangladesh, known as the 'Land of Language Movement'.

Poet Nirmalendu Goon has been honored with the title ‘‘Poet of Bangabandhu’’
Poet Nirmalendu Gun

Art and Culture

Poet Nirmalendu Goon has been honored with the title ‘‘Poet of Bangabandhu’’

The above stanza is taken from the poem "Ami Aaj Karo Rokto Chaite Ashini" by poet Nirmalendu Goon. Nirmalendu Goon has written the most poems about the greatest Bengali of the millennium, the father of the Bengali nation, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Not only has he achieved the title of writing the most poems, but Nirmalendu Gun also holds the honor of composing the first poem about Bangabandhu. He has written a comprehensive poetry book dedicated entirely to Bangabandhu.

What's causing our intellectual chats to disappear?
What's causing our intellectual chats to disappear

Art and Culture

What's causing our intellectual chats to disappear?

Once upon a time, we'd gather at the market. Just like a flock of pigeons sat on tin rooftops and listened to 'bak-bak-kum' songs during all noon, people used to immerse themselves in gossip during leisure. Our minds soared during these chats. Buddhadeb Bose said in his famous essay 'Adda', 'Does the exact synonym of Adda exist in any other language of the world? Not being a linguist, I can say no. Because there is no mood for chat in any other country, or even if there is a mood, there is no suitable atmosphere. The people of other countries lecture, joke, argue, and pass the night away, but do not hang out.'

Rabindranath illuminated light like the sun
Rabindranath illuminated light like the sun

Art and Culture

Rabindranath illuminated light like the sun

I am remembering Kobiguru Rabindranath Tagore with deep respect on his 163rd birth anniversary. Today, I want to share my thoughts about anti-Rabindranath sentiment during the Pakistan period as even after 53 years of Bangladesh's independence, anti-Rabindrasentiments still exist. So, the new generation needs to know the historical context of such ideology.

Cinema: in Muslim countries
Cinema: in Muslim countries


Cinema: in Muslim countries

Cinema. The word "cinema" holds immense breadth and influence nowadays. It can shape preferences or be shaped by them, influencing the majority of film production worldwide. While many films are made with the aim of catering to general audience tastes or reflecting the values, beliefs, and responsibilities of their creators, not all films reach a wide audience. Some remain unknown to a specific number of viewers. Moreover, various countries have different sets of regulatory constraints influenced by cultural values, ideologies, taboos, and religious ethics, which sometimes constrain the freedom of cinema.

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