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Narsingdi Jail Escape: Not an isolated incident
Narsingdi Jail

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Narsingdi Jail Escape: Not an isolated incident

The rise of militancy in the country began in the early 1990s, driven by Afghan-returned mujahideen. Although militant activities have decreased due to continuous operations by law enforcement agencies, they have not entirely ceased. Militants are now trying to reorganize themselves in new ways. A testament to this is the incident on July 19th, when protesters attacked and set fire to the Narsingdi jail during the quota reform movement. The protesters broke into the jail, smashed cell locks, and freed 826 prisoners, including 9 militants. They looted 85 weapons and 8,150 rounds of ammunition from the armory and guards. Although the Counter Terrorism and Transnational Crime (CTTC) unit has already arrested 4 out of the 9 escaped militants, there is no relief until the remaining 5 are captured.

Crows need a place to nest in Dhaka
Crows need a place to nest in Dhaka

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Crows need a place to nest in Dhaka

There was a time when Dhaka's residents would wake up to the cawing of crows. At dawn, crows would flock to rooftops, cornices, trees, electric poles, and wires. Among birds, the crow is the blackest, but it is very beneficial for humans and is considered the national bird of cities. Even if other birds are not as visible in urban areas, the presence of crows was always notable. Often, their harsh cawing would become a nuisance, but nowadays, crows are almost rarely seen in Dhaka city. The house crow has already disappeared, and now the common crow is also on the verge of vanishing.

Ensure safe motherhood
Ensure safe motherhood

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Ensure safe motherhood

After conceiving a child, it is crucial to take necessary measures to eliminate pregnancy-related and childbirth-related complications to ensure that a mother is protected from life-threatening risks. Ensuring safe motherhood involves providing the appropriate medical care and environment. A pregnant woman has the right to receive healthcare from the time of conception until after the child is born. Over the past forty years, Bangladesh has made significant contributions to safe motherhood services, reducing maternal and infant mortality rates to a notable degree globally.

Reducing inflation is now the biggest challenge
Reducing inflation is now the biggest challenge

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Reducing inflation is now the biggest challenge

In the first six months of the ongoing fiscal year 2024-25, Bangladesh Bank has announced a new monetary policy while keeping the policy interest rate unchanged. Additionally, the central bank has eased restrictions on opening import letters of credit. As a result, it is expected that the upward trend in bank loan interest rates will significantly slow down. These measures have been taken at a time when inflation in Bangladesh has reached an alarming level.

Save Dhaka residents from polluted air
Save Dhaka residents from polluted air

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Save Dhaka residents from polluted air

Air pollution is the greatest environmental threat to public health globally. And Dhaka’s air quality is among the world’s worst, according to the air quality index, Dhaka's air quality was categorized as “unhealthy for sensitive groups” Thursday morning (July 18).

Need to Find Employment Alternatives for Workers
Need to Find Employment Alternatives for Workers

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Need to Find Employment Alternatives for Workers

Battery-powered rickshaws and easy-bikes have flooded the streets of the capital, Dhaka, and other parts of the country. However, on December 15, 2021, the High Court ordered the cessation of 4 million battery-powered vehicles. Additionally, there were restrictions on the import and sale of these vehicles.

Government should reduce health expenditure for public benefit
health expenditure

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Government should reduce health expenditure for public benefit

Health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being, and for developing a country health condition should increase, and for increasing public health condition government should reduce health cost. But in Bangladesh, the expenditure on health cost has been escalating day by day. For bearing this extra medical treatment people are suffering a lot.

The safety of witnesses in the case must be protected
The safety of witnesses in the case must be protected

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The safety of witnesses in the case must be protected

The evidence of many criminal law cases depends upon the witnesses. But in Bangladesh, it has been extensively recorded that witnesses face threats in criminal cases. In various criminal cases, including robbery and rape, they do not want to appear in court to testify. And they hesitate to go to court because of terror. The fears of violence, financial limitations, lack of confidence in the judiciary system, pressure by the accused, lack of state protection and lengthy judicial procedures reluctant them to say the truth. As a result, the trustworthiness of the case is reduced, in many cases the case is dismissed. This makes criminals more motivated to commit crimes.

Reduce the cost of private medical education
Reduce the cost of private medical education

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Reduce the cost of private medical education

Compared to the number of patients the number of medical practitioners in Bangladesh are much inadequate. There are not much medical college hospitals in the country as much as is needed. That’s why many medical students have to depend on private medical colleges. But the cost of study in private medical colleges is increasing again and again. In the academic year 2022-23, admission fees for MBBS and BDS in private medical colleges and dental colleges were increased by 20 percent. This year affiliate fees are increasing six times more, which is very unpleasant.

Save Dhaka from water logging
Save Dhaka from water logging

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Save Dhaka from water logging

With 130mm of rainfall in six hours from 6:00am to 12:00pm on Friday (12 July), many roads in the capital remained flooded until Saturday morning. Recently, if it rains for a short period of time, waterlogging occurs in different parts of the capital. The city dwellers suffered greatly for this reason.

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