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Conspirators must be held accountable for their actions

One of the major obstacles on the path to realizing the true essence of "Sonar Bangla" (Golden Bengal) is posed by conspirators, corrupt elements, smugglers, plunderers, and miscreants. This class of individuals has consistently woven a web of deceit around the country, misleading its people and attempting to establish falsehoods in the face of truth. Through their schemes, they aim to portray Bangladesh as an ineffective and unstable state, striving to legitimize falsehoods amidst reality. These conspirators, whenever they find an opportunity, exploit it for their gain, either financially enriching themselves or maneuvering their way into positions of power. It must also be acknowledged that there are some individuals in Bangladesh who directly or indirectly support them.

On the other hand, there is a particular class of individuals who currently reside abroad and work against the interests of the country. By disseminating misinformation and falsehoods against the government, they tarnish Bangladesh's image abroad in hopes of securing menial opportunities. They firmly believe that by propagating anti-Bangladesh sentiments, they can ensure their permanent citizenship abroad alongside various political opportunities in the future. Despite having grown up on this soil, received academic education, and availed themselves of various opportunities provided by the government, when the time comes to contribute to the country, they actively engage in disparaging it. They perceive mocking the country as a means to secure personal benefits, albeit at the expense of their own integrity. However, their actions only reveal their inherent sense of betrayal. The people of Bangladesh have rejected their disloyalty, and in politics, they are enduring a particularly challenging time.

A certain class has already emerged where individuals residing abroad are actively engaged in creating anti-state content. It's disheartening to note that even those who hold positions against the government support such content. One cannot renounce all the actions of the government. A government may take both pragmatic and ideological decisions while governing a country. In the case of pragmatic decisions, the government should be applauded, whereas for ideological decisions, opposition to the government is warranted. From the perspective of the media, the opposition parties in Bangladesh oppose all actions of the government. Now, does the government of Bangladesh not undertake any commendable initiatives? The majority of those who create blogs or content on YouTube while residing abroad tend to produce content that is anti-state. Even those residing in Bangladesh often share such content through social media, thus inadvertently endorsing it.

Furthermore, it can be observed that when Bangladesh goes through some crises, opportunists tend to intensify their activities. Especially, if any terrorist incident occurs, this class of individuals attempts to internationalize it, exploiting it as a catalyst for anti-Bangladesh propaganda. After the Holy Artisan attack, these conspirators had actively engaged in various forms of propaganda against Bangladesh, although the government and the general public had garnered international trust and confidence through their sincere efforts. However, this cycle still persists, showcasing how Bangladesh can be misrepresented, undermined, and falsely portrayed before other nations. Hence, there is no alternative but to unite against them, and now is the opportune time to respond decisively. Not only that but perpetrators of such conspiracies must be brought to justice. News reports indicate that one individual has been arrested by the American police, who have been involved in anti-Bangladesh propaganda, thus demonstrating a significant breakthrough against these malicious activities.

Conspirators often gather at various times to instigate the public against the country, attempting to sow discord and instability. It is imperative to establish exemplary punishment measures to deter anyone from seeking refuge in conspiracy in the future. We have seen and learned that anti-Bangladesh elements resort to spreading falsehoods as their ultimate weapon against the nation. Given the opportunity, they meticulously craft false narratives against Bangladesh. Those who engage in spreading falsehoods against the country can never be trusted; they are essentially traitors. It must be remembered that there is no room for compromise with those who work against the country. We have witnessed the ignominy and treachery of supposedly intelligent individuals during the twelfth national parliamentary elections. Their relentless efforts to disrupt Bangladesh's elections have been duly noted. We have also observed their relentless efforts to interfere in the country's internal affairs by influencing foreign entities, circumventing the nation's laws and judicial system.

Conspirators have never ceased their activities; they remain active, perhaps maintaining a facade of stability while being highly active behind the scenes. They must be closely monitored and scrutinized. They have attempted to deceive the general public by spreading misinformation, trying to confuse people. They have also attempted to issue statements about the crisis in the foreign reserves, instilling panic among the populace. They have exploited the nation's vulnerabilities to spread fear and uncertainty.

Even during the COVID-19 pandemic, where the highest level of resilience among people was observed, they have continued to sow seeds of discord against the country. It seems their aim is the downfall of the government. Sometimes, they have stretched the limits of the government's downfall. They have tried to influence the judiciary by focusing on the trial of war criminals, attempting to manipulate the judicial process by hiring foreign agents and even contacting the head of the government through phone calls. They have spread news about the daily essential commodity crisis through various blogs and pages. All of these are essentially part of their conspiracy.

Bangladesh, a country known for its communal harmony, has been supported by many countries in implementing its non-communal policies worldwide. Conspirators are working with the aim of destroying Bangladesh's unity and harmony. Those who commit attacks during religious activities are inherently malevolent and malicious. Similarly, individuals involved in illegal financial transactions using their political identity, both domestically and internationally, are considered white-collar criminals. Those engaged in money laundering through hundi are all members of the organized crime circle.
Those who are involved in loan fraud and aspire to build their future outside the country are looters, criminals. Each of them must be vigilant and cautious against the common people. Adequate measures should be taken against conspirators under the prevailing national law. The government of Bangladesh has adopted a zero-tolerance policy to prevent corruption at all levels. Through the adoption of a zero-tolerance policy, Bangladesh can transform into a beautiful and prosperous country despite the efforts of conspirators, looters, criminals, white-collar criminals, and members of organized crime circles.

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