Views Bangladesh

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Editor's note

Rased Mehedi

Rased Mehedi

Thu, 31 Aug 23

"Views Bangladesh" started its dream journey. Our main goal in this journey is to highlight a positive Bangladesh. The spirit of the great liberation war is our ideology  to establish a discrimination free Bangladesh. 

We know that Bangalis have a long tradition of struggle. This nation has repeatedly fought for their fair rights. A heroic Bangali gave his life for his mother tongue, for freedom. Even in the face of natural calamities, they never broke down. The People of Bangladesh have never bowed down. We want to highlight the achievements, success and glory of the people of Bangladesh, who are strong in their confidence.

In every country, there are various conflicts in society. There are some blood-eyed monsters also. As opposed to good, there is also evil. In the media we usually see the bad side of society. We want to look in a positive light. If a glass is half full, we want to proceed with the view that the glass is not 'half empty', but 'half full'. Whatever evil there is, it will not escape our notice. But we want to face the evil with our good vision. We want to highlight a society of peace with the sense of humanity and love among people.

In the last era, Bangladesh has been illuminated by the light of digital Bangladesh. And within this digital light, a group of extraordinarily energetic young people has developed around the information technology sector. Bureaucratic complications, lack of funds, lack of favorable environment in many cases, nothing could stop these energetic youths. They have moved on and conquered the world. Our youngsters have achieved unique success in front of the world in the NASA competition. We want to talk about that achievement, focus it to the world.

'Views Bangladesh' will provide accurate analysis of various contemporary events at the national and international levels. Views Bangladesh wants to create new writers along with the established ones. You write too.

There are some principles we will follow in writing. No personal attacks can be made in any way. If you want to criticize any person or organization, you have to do a rational analysis with proper data. Pour any comments, opinions will not be considered. No hate speech or comments against religion, caste or any ethnic group shall be allowed. No derogatory words or attitudes towards women will be accepted. Any writing that goes against the state and national interest will not be accepted in any way.

Along with analysis, we will also provide daily news in short form. At the same time, we will regularly publish the news bulletins of various organizations, organizations and institutions in Bengali and English.

Your best wishes are our path as we walk this path. Best wishes to all from View Bangladesh.


Rased Mehedi

Editor | Views Bangladesh

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