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Global initiative is questioned due to decrease in financial assistance to the Rohingyas

Editorial  Desk

Editorial Desk

Thu, 14 Mar 24

For several years, the international community's attention towards Rohingya refugees from Myanmar, who are residing in Bangladesh, has been dwindling. Concerned parties believe that this decline in assistance began after the start of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, as the focus of Western countries has shifted towards the war. Consequently, the Rohingya crisis has become a matter of deeper concern for Bangladesh.

According to information published in several national dailies yesterday (March 13th), international humanitarian aid for Rohingya refugees is decreasing. In 2023, only 50% of the requested amount, which was approximately 87 million US dollars or around 9,600 crore Bangladeshi Taka, was received for Rohingya refugees in Myanmar to escape genocide and take shelter in Bangladesh. The United Nations is working with Bangladesh to provide humanitarian assistance to Rohingya refugees, who have sought refuge in Bangladesh since the genocide in Myanmar. Since 2017, under the initiative of the United Nations, humanitarian assistance under the Joint Response Plan (JRP) has been sought for Rohingya refugees.

In this year's Joint Response Plan (JRP), priorities include ensuring nutrition for Rohingya refugees, providing dignified shelter, healthcare, access to clean water, sanitation (WASH) services, livelihood opportunities, and ensuring food security, which is the most emphasized aspect within the Rohingya JRP.

Six years ago, Rohingya refugees fled Myanmar due to military violence and persecution and sought refuge in Bangladesh. Until August 2017, more than seven lakh Rohingya had taken shelter in Bangladesh. Even before that, several lakh Rohingya were already residing in Bangladesh. Currently, more than twelve lakh Rohingya are settled in camps in Cox's Bazar, Teknaf, and Bhasan Char, posing a significant burden on Bangladesh. However, even after five years, no one can say when the Rohingya will return to their own country, Myanmar. Discussions on this matter have not made any progress.

As a result of reducing humanitarian aid, experts fear an increase in criminality within refugee camps. They express concerns that the Rohingya, feeling hopeless, may resort to criminal activities. In such circumstances, human trafficking may also rise. Additionally, the current prevalence of drug-related risks may further exacerbate the vulnerability of the Rohingya population. Due to the inadequate assistance received from donors and various socio-economic instabilities within Rohingya camps, the concerns of the Bangladeshi government are escalating. Announcements of reducing humanitarian aid could exacerbate the Rohingya crisis.

Such situations could potentially instigate resentment among the Rohingya, which could affect the law and order situation. In this regard, measures should be taken to increase surveillance by law enforcement agencies, including patrols, checkpoints, and intelligence gathering, to prevent any form of misconduct within the camps by the Rohingya.

Therefore, it is important to give further importance to this issue within the international community and stand more firmly by their side during times of crisis. It should be remembered that Rohingya refugees lack opportunities for employment, and they are heavily reliant on the international community for support.

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