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Healthcare research is essential to improve medical facilities

Editorial  Desk

Editorial Desk

Wed, 13 Mar 24

In modern states, knowledge primarily stems from formal discussions, and there is no alternative to research for intellectual discourse. Unfortunately, there is a lack of enthusiasm for intellectual discourse in Bangladesh, and similarly, there is no alternative for research in such discussions. If a country lags behind in intellectual discourse, it will inevitably lag behind in research as well. The leading nations of today, which are leading the world, owe their advancement to sophisticated research endeavors. However, despite ongoing research in certain fields, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has expressed profound disappointment at the limited research in our healthcare sector.

Syed Manzurul Islam, a literary figure, made a statement on Facebook last year which spread widely. He said, "There are no scientists, no researchers, no philosophers. Wherever you look, there are only administrators." The point being made is, why is there a lack of researchers? Is this due to a personal lack of interest or a lack of national collaboration?

According to available information, the main reasons behind Bangladesh lagging in research are not solely due to the lack of state support. Rather, it is attributed to factors such as outdated academic curricula, a lack of subject-specific knowledge among teachers, and the appointment of partisan or 'administration-oriented' educators.

In comparison to the need, the budget allocation for education and healthcare sectors is significantly low. In the proposed budget for the fiscal year 2023-24, the allocated budget for the education sector was only 1.76% of GDP, which was the lowest in Bangladesh in the last fifteen years and below the average for South Asia. From 2016 to 2022, as a percentage of GDP, Bangladesh's average expenditure on education was among the lowest of forty-one low-income countries.

Bangladesh consistently ranks low in the United Nations Development Programme's (UNDP) Global Knowledge Index, and its position in the innovation index is even worse. In the Global Innovation Index (GII) of 2023, Bangladesh has fallen three steps behind. In 2022, Bangladesh was ranked 102nd among 132 countries in the GII. However, in 2023, Bangladesh has slipped three positions further, now ranking 105th among 132 countries.

In the current situation, to emphasize the importance of research in the field of healthcare, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina conveyed a message to doctors last Monday (March 11th), stating, "In this era of science and technology, countries that are advancing in scientific research are economically progressing rapidly. Therefore, if we want to progress, research is absolutely necessary."

The Prime Minister has also announced that the government will provide a special incentive package for those involved in research in the field of medical science. Despite many frustrations, this is a hopeful sign. Addressing those who are working as doctors in government positions, the Prime Minister has emphasized the need to shift some focus from private practice towards research.

We agree with the Prime Minister's stance, and it's true that there is a severe lack of research in the field of healthcare in our country. While modern medical education is advancing globally, various research works are being conducted, the situation regarding research in the healthcare sector in our country remains dire. There must be underlying reasons why research in the field of healthcare is lagging behind. There is indeed a crisis in this area that needs to be addressed.

The data indicates that despite the modernization of medical education in the country, there are significant shortcomings in terms of skilled teachers, infrastructure, equipment, laboratories, and research facilities. This deficiency in resources leads to a lack of motivation among those involved in medical education to engage in research activities. It has been observed that the majority of students, upon completing their medical education, are more focused on financial stability rather than pursuing research. Consequently, many of them tend to forget about research altogether.

Overall, the country lags behind in the field of healthcare research. However, the sole reason for this lag is not merely the lack of funds. The primary issue lies in the absence of a culture of research among healthcare professionals. Except for a few exceptions, the attraction and capability for research haven't been cultivated among them. Therefore, one of the main objectives of utilizing these funds should be to enhance the research capabilities among healthcare professionals. To achieve this, special emphasis should be placed on academic research.

We must remember that to build an advanced Bangladesh, we must necessarily cultivate a knowledge-based society. Without fostering a knowledge-based society, progress in healthcare research will also be hindered. It is imperative to start contemplating on this matter at the policy-making level right now.

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