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I am looking for poetry in cinema, cinema in poetry

Masud  Pathik

Masud Pathik

Sun, 4 Feb 24

Masud Pathik is a noteworthy poet and filmmaker of the present time. He received the National Film Award for his film 'Nekabborer Mohaproyan' in the category of Best Film. The film directed by him, 'Maya: The Lost Mother,' won National Film Awards in eight categories in 2019. Masud Pathik, despite achieving more recognition as a filmmaker, is primarily a poet. He has authored approximately 27 volumes of poetry. In 2013, he received the 'Kali O Kalam HSBC Bank Award' for his poetry collection titled 'Ekaki Jomin' (The Lonely Earth). This recognition highlights his significant contributions to the world of poetry. Recently, he has achieved the Bangla Academy Award in 2023 for outstanding contributions to the field of filmmaking. His recognition at the Bangla Academy Awards encompasses achievements in both filmmaking and writing. The interview on this achievement was conducted by Kamrul Ahsan, the Senior Sub-Editor at Views Bangladesh.

Views Bangladesh: How are you, poet?
Masud Pathik:
Just getting by. We have to survive through striving to be good, through desire.

Views Bangladesh: You have received this time the Bangla Academy Award in the asthetic filmmaking category. Congratulations from Views Bangladesh.
Masud Pathik:
Thank you very much to all of you. May everyone be well.

Views Bangladesh: How does it feel to receive the award? You are primarily a poet, but now you have been honored with the Bangla Academy Award as a filmmaker.
Masud Pathik:
Actually, when it comes to evaluating awards and honors, there is a kind of relativity. But whether poetry and cinema should be considered separately is a matter of debate. In my view, true cinema is essentially poetry. Using an example, if you decorate a house beautifully, adorn it with care, people say it's poetry in bricks. It means that poetry emerges from the act of decorating, and when someone appreciates the beauty differently until the end, that's when the creation of poetry occurs. So, you know, the films I have made, all of them are inspired by poetry. They are like poems to me. For me, poetry and cinema are not separate. I am not just a filmmaker who is creating films solely for business. I approach cinema in a different way. I treat it like poetry. In the prevalent discourse, where films are often referred to as 'content,' I am against the trivialization of this term. My upcoming film, 'Soul of Nature,' is nearing completion. Currently, the final mixing is underway. There, I have written that a film is never just 'content.' A film is a philosophical commitment. I believe, I actually came to do poetry in the film. That's why I have 27 volumes of poetry, three feature films, and two documentaries, with three more currently in production. All my films are based on poetry.

Views Bangladesh: The ‘Nandonik Cholochitro’ (Aesthetic Cinema) category in the Bangla Academy Awards is a new addition. You have won an award in this category for the first time. Share your thoughts on this.
Masud Pathik:
Actually, I don't have anything specific to do. They have given me an award, and in my view, if something is given, it should be accepted. What will happen if I refuse it? I might get it in poetry; however, whether it's in poetry or in cinema, it remains what it is. Because just as a good film can be timeless and triumphant, a good poetry collection can also be timeless and triumphant. "Just like the film 'Bicycle Thieves' by Vittorio De Sica, which was made in 1948, we still perceive that film poetically. We remain captivated, as if it's still fresh. It's to such an extent that we become immersed, and it still feels new. Or, if I talk about 'Pather Panchali', is it not a poem? So, from my personal point of view there is nothing to separate poetry and film. For this I accepted without showing inferiority. That is ok, I reckon.

Views Bangladesh: You have received the National Film Award, also the Bangla Academy Award. How do you feel about the responsibility towards the art now? Do you feel any pressure?"
Masud Pathik:
Certainly, there is pressure. Pressure doesn't only come from awards. I have always felt the pressure because I am constantly striving to surpass myself. My first film was a documentary, and later, I created 'Nekabbarer Mahaprayan.' While adapting the poetry of Nirmalendu Gun for this film, I felt immense pressure. Transforming a poem into a film is not an easy task, but after making the film, I didn't feel fulfilled. I felt the need to do something better than this. I created 'Maya: The Lost Mother' based on the poem 'Yuddho Shishu' by poet Kamal Chowdhury. It was quite challenging to undertake this project. I gave my utmost effort, but after completing it, I felt that it didn't turn out exactly as I had envisioned.
I've seen various narratives in storytelling, and my goal is not just to tell a story. I want to create a functional fusion. There will be a skeleton, but it will incorporate elements from documentaries, poetic aspects, and there will be play of images. Overall, there will be a political commitment as well. Thousands of stories surround us. Storytelling is merely confined to the realms of entertainment.
However, I aspire to have a poetic vision, a political commitment. To achieve this, I am facing a lot of challenges and undergoing numerous pressures. I am not making commercial cinema. To pursue that, I have to face many struggles. I have to borrow money and possibly sell my father's land. However, I am not giving up on either. I am exploring both realms—finding poetry in cinema and cinema in poetry.

Views Bangladesh: There is a lot of discussion and criticism about the Bangla Academy Award. Although you have received awards, you still have an intellectual mind. From that place or from a little outside, what do you think about this?
Masud Pathik:
When seen from outside, it is necessary to journey with a much broader perspective. We must realize where we stand in the world. Among approximately 200 countries, Bangladesh is one. The geographical location of Bangladesh is approximately 148,460 square kilometers, making it a relatively small country. About 17 crore people live here which is 7 times more than capacity. This city has 9 times more people than its capacity. Additionally, we have the religious point of view. There is also a kind of reactivity. Economically, we may not be as powerful. In reality, to assess everything, including human nature, human values, inherent genetic characteristics of humans, and the sustainability of our land and environment, we need to consider a holistic perspective. We, however, are abundant in humility. One who may seem significant from afar may also be vulnerable when approached closely. One or two may be superhuman. I am too an ordinary person. So, in such a country there will be no talk of such an award, there will be no complications, it cannot happen. If there won't be controversies about the award here, then what else will happen? Nobel Prize, for example, has also faced debates. Bob Dylan receiving the award in literature, for instance, has been subject to criticism.

Views Bangladesh: Don't you think that many undeserving individuals are receiving awards despite lacking deserving qualities?
Masud Pathik:
Qualifications are relative. You might consider a descriptive or slogan-oriented poem as a good one, whose poet is 75 years old. It seems like he deserves an award this time. It's all about compassion and empathy. However, the Bengali Academy is an institution, and when running an institution, there are certain internal mechanisms. I have nothing to say on that matter.

Views Bangladesh: This year, the writer Jakir Talukdar returned the Bangla Academy Award. How do you perceive this situation?
Masud Pathik:
I have nothing to say on this matter. It's not a subject for commentary. Such anarchism will always exist.

Views Bangladesh: Thank you for your time.
Masud Pathik:
Thank you all as well.

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