Kitkit game in historical context
Various types of tables or courts are cut for playing Ekka-Dokka (An Ancient game of chasing dreams) or Kitkit. Three dots are drawn diagonally inside the quadrangular cells, then a dot is drawn in the middle along these three dots to form six cells. Depending on the region this house may be of different types. The names of these houses are - Ekka, Dokka, Ace, Chauka, Panja, Chakka etc. The player makes a muffled incessant chirping noise as he traverses the rooms and moves from room to room by pushing open with one foot. After crossing all the houses in this way, the player turns back towards the houses and throws the opener over his head. The room that the opener falls into becomes his 'bought' room and the player can rest in that room. In this way, the house that can 'buy' wins.
Dr. Wakil Ahmed asserts, "Women are the cornerstone of society. Throughout the history of human civilization, it has been women who have inspired the building of homes for men. Even today, women play an active role in household affairs and nurturing the home. Therefore, the game of Ekkak-Dokkak may retain traces of ancient traditions and customs."
However, this simplification cannot be applied to the realm of the game. When society underwent agricultural revolution, focusing on women and agricultural activities, a gradual transformation began, leading to the formation of various social strata and the birth of nations. It was during this time that women started losing their status. As Frederick Engels remarked almost a century ago, "The historic defeat of women."
Once upon a time, women were equal partners in decision-making alongside men, but later they became dependent and subordinate. However, this subordination was not uniform across all societies or even within the same society. Just as women were deprived of their right to express their own opinions, they were also deprived of property rights. Despite owning land around them, they had no opportunity to rest on that land because they did not own it. To set foot on these lands, they had to tread cautiously, with restraint. However, it wasn't only women who suffered this deprivation of rights.
In feudal times, farmers' land rights were similarly usurped. Fertile land was sold, encumbered, or divided without the consent of the farmers. Not only that, but powerful landlords prevented the weak and helpless farmers from enjoying their land-related rights, thus making their lives miserable. Even in ponds, wells, and other resources, the vulnerable had no rights whatsoever. As a result, they were left alone or confined to a single room. The Bengali word "ekka" originates from the Prakrit word "ekka," meaning to be alone. In Hindi, "ekka" means a vehicle drawn by a single horse. In Gujarati, "ekko" means a cart pulled by one ox.
In this game, lifting one foot to walk symbolizes the dwindling land rights, paralleling the unnatural life taken up with the bullocks. "Ekka-Dokka" or the open-and-shut play represents this symbol. In the "Bangiya Shabdkosh" by Haricharan Bandyopadhyay, it's interpreted as the broken part of the plow, the bare head, or the lean. Often in rural dialects, misfortune is referred to as a broken skull. That is to say, we often witness a person engulfed in the struggle of life due to ill-fortune within this game. We see how a helpless and vulnerable person, lifting one foot, takes up the shattered or fragmentary fortune, affecting every corner of their life. Even if they manage to conquer all the rooms with this precarious fortune, it does not mean they will become the owner of the land. They have to tread cautiously, with restraint, to move towards the court to cut the chak in the direction of the shattered house. This task also depends entirely on luck. Even if they work hard with faith in themselves, it doesn't necessarily guarantee success. Until the end, their laughter depends on luck. And it's worth noting that in the feudal era, kings or Brahmins determined the fate of their subjects. They used to give farmers a small piece of land as a stipend out of happiness for their work. This compassion did not always accumulate in everyone's fate. Their share of luck didn't always fall within their homes; sometimes, they ended up outside!
In this game, the constant "kiṭkiṭ" is used, akin to incessant chattering, reflecting the desire to maneuver or act. The term "kiṭ" primarily denotes a verb meaning the desire to act or do something, which is driven by a motive. In the Bengali lexicon "Bangiya Shabdkosh" by Haricharan Bandyopadhyay, it's mentioned that "kiṭ" refers to those who desire to deceive or gamble, akin to a gambler. This "kiṭ" is a word that indicates the aspiration to overcome others or to lose to them, emphasizing the desire to gain or lose, respectively. Furthermore, "kiṭ" is an imperfect verb that means to rely or seek support. In this context, the "kiṭkiṭ" sound in the game "Ekka-Dokk" expresses the aspiration of the player to push the opponent's house, signifying the desire to topple or conquer their territory. In this continuous pursuit, the player seeks refuge or support for themselves, echoing the concept of "kiṭ" as seeking support or shelter. This pursuit manifests as a mantra-like recitation of "kiṭkiṭ," representing the desire to reclaim one's own position from those who have obstructed it. Within this aspiration, the term "kiṭkiṭ" functions as a magical word, aimed at overcoming those who have hindered them.
Author: Essayist and researcher
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