Reduce poverty rate, increase food security
A visit to the Karwan Bazar area of Dhaka makes it clear how much the poverty rate and food insecurity have increased recently in the country. Wholesale vendors bring various vegetables to Karwan Bazar from different parts of the country. When some of these vegetables are spoiled or slightly damaged, they are bought at a lower price and many people arrange them in rows to sell. Recently, there has been an increasing crowd of buyers and sellers in that area. The crowd is also growing behind the trucks of the Trading Corporation of Bangladesh (TCB). In the past, only low-income people used to stand in line at the TCB trucks, but now it is apparent that many middle-class people are also standing there. It is said that many middle-class people used to feel ashamed to buy products from TCB trucks, but now they feel no shame. Where the family cannot survive, what’s the use of feeling ashamed?
The increase in the poverty rate and the uncertainty regarding food security in the country has been revealed in a survey conducted by the Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (BIDS). The survey results were officially published at a seminar held at BIDS' office on Monday (24th March). The survey was conducted with the support of the World Food Programme (WFP). Dhaka, Bandarban, Khulna, Rangpur, and Sylhet districts were selected for the survey. A total of 3,150 households were surveyed. Among them, 1,990 were from urban areas and 1,116 were from rural areas. The highest number of 750 households was from Dhaka. The survey revealed that in 2022, the poverty rate in rural areas was 20.5%. According to BIDS' survey, it has now increased to 24.7%. According to the BBS survey, the poverty rate in urban areas was 14.7%. BIDS' survey has reported it as 20.43%. The rate has increased in all divisions of the country, including the capital Dhaka. The report states that 38.08% of the surveyed households were food insecure in 2022. By 2024, this rate has increased to 46.3%.
The 8% increase in the number of people facing food insecurity in just two years is alarming. This survey is from 2024, and the situation has worsened in the past five to six months. Due to political changes, investment in many businesses in the country has stopped. Production and imports have significantly reduced. Even during the peak season, the price of rice has increased. Though the price of vegetables decreased somewhat during winter, it is feared that prices will rise as the winter ends.
BIDS believes that the poverty rate has also increased in this survey. According to the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) Household Income and Expenditure Survey of 2022, the poverty rate in the country was 18.7%. Now, it has increased to 23.11%. Research Director Dr. Mohammad Yunus stated, "Political instability, economic pressure from the Russia-Ukraine war, and inflation may be the major reasons behind the increase in poverty."
Experts believe that adopting sustainable policies is essential to reduce poverty in the country. It is well known that when poverty increases, various types of crime also rise in society and the state. Based on the findings of the survey, the government must now act urgently to increase food security and reduce the poverty rate. To achieve this, reducing unemployment and income inequality is the only way forward.
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