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Stop spreading rumors about Russell's viper

Editorial  Desk

Editorial Desk

For several days now, panic about Russell's viper has been spreading on social media. Any snake is being identified as a Russell's viper, with fabricated stories and pictures being shared to spread this fear. It is being said that Russell's viper is the most aggressive and venomous snake in the world and that there is no chance of survival if it bites someone. Some media outlets are encouraging this fear to increase their views. However, according to snake experts, in terms of toxicity, this snake ranks fifth. There are many more venomous snakes in Bangladesh. Furthermore, this snake does not invade homes to bite people. They usually reside in wetlands and only bite when provoked. If bitten by this snake, there is a 100% chance of survival if the victim receives medical treatment within 100 minutes, provided there are no other complications.

According to a newspaper report from Monday, June 24, people are now killing snakes on sight. The Forest Department has stated that 80% of the snakes killed daily are non-venomous. None of these include Russell's vipers. In the panic over Russell's viper, people are even killing beneficial snakes. In response to the widespread panic about Russell's viper across the country, the Wildlife Crime Control Unit of the Forest Department has launched five hotlines. Each number receives an average of 40 calls per hour. Some people are even calling from outside the country to report snake sightings.

The cause of this panic is rumors. The Venom Research Center, an institution that researches snake venom, stated in a press release that old photos are being used in these rumors. The snake is being shown in places where there is no possibility of a Russell's viper being present. Photos of snake species that do not even exist in Bangladesh are being circulated. The Venom Research Center has advised that any posts about Russell's viper on social media should be made with proper knowledge and understanding.

The English name for Chandroborha is Russell's viper. In the late 17th century, Sir Patrick Russell began the classification or cataloging of snakes in this subcontinent. Therefore, during the final classification of snakes in the 18th century, his fellow scientists named this snake after him. Since then, Chandroborha has been known as Russell's viper. The Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change has issued a statement urging caution and awareness regarding recent reports about Russell's viper and the growing public concern.

In the statement, the ministry said that while the presence of Russell's viper is concerning, it is important to remember that the likelihood of encountering this snake is low. This snake typically inhabits lowland grasslands, scrublands, open forests, and agricultural areas, and it tends to avoid human settlements. Due to its earthy color, it can easily blend in with the ground. If people get too close to snakes without caution, the snake may feel threatened and attack out of fear. Russell's viper, being an adept hunter, has expanded its habitat across various regions of the country, including riverbanks and rural water bodies. Therefore, everyone is urged to exercise caution and awareness around these areas.

The exact historical record of when Russell's viper was first observed in the geographical region of Bangladesh is unknown. However, in recent times, the reasons for its apparent increase in population are not clearly understood from a scientific standpoint. Dr. Fazle Rabbi Chowdhury, Assistant Professor in the Department of Internal Medicine at BSMMU, stated, "Monitor Lizard, Mongoose, owl, and Hawk used to be prey for Russell's viper. Now the presence of these animals has decreased or is absent in some places. We believe the decrease in main prey species has contributed to the increase of Russell's viper. However, further extensive research is needed."

The government needs to be more vigilant in reducing the panic around Russell's viper. Additionally, measures should be taken to control the population of this snake so that its presence does not increase further.

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