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The child from Magura

Manik Miazee

Manik Miazee

‘The Child from Magura’ this is now the identity of the child, hiding her real name. The whole country knows her by this name. Maybe these three phrases have crossed the borders of the country, spread far and wide. Maybe she wanted to grow up to be a doctor, or a teacher. Maybe one day she would be a mother herself, holding a child’s hand and telling him/her the stories of the world; but no, she will not grow up. Her dreams have turned bloody. The life of an innocent child of Magura has stopped in the coffin of cruelty.

The child was only eight years old. She may have dreamed colorfully, wanted to play with friends, wanted to sleep peacefully in her mother’s lap; but her life has ended in such cruelty that has stunned not only herself, but the entire society. Her mother’s lap is now empty, his father is helpless, and we are speechless. The child went to visit her sister’s house. She thought it was a safe haven, but that shelter turned into a death pit for her. There, she was subjected to inhuman torture. The authorities of the Combined Military Hospital (CMH) in Dhaka finally declared the child dead on Thursday after being subjected to this barbarity.

We only express anger, protest, and mourn; but is our society changing at all? Every day, we witness such heartbreaking incidents. Today, that child from Magura, tomorrow another child somewhere else - will this cycle never stop? If we cannot break this distorted mentality, culture of violence, and chain of impunity that has entered the cracks and crevices of society, then we are all complicit in the crime. Are we able to build a safe world for children? We cannot. Rather, we are breaking their dreams every day, ending their lives.

After being raped, many times the victim does not get justice even if he is alive. Delays in getting justice, interference from influential circles, administrative complications - these are normal scenes; but will justice be ensured quickly in the case of this child from Magura? This incident is not just a crime, it is a crime against humanity. Therefore, exemplary punishment of the culprit must be ensured. At the same time, the legal process must be eliminated and the maximum punishment of the culprit must be implemented as soon as possible.

The question arises, are children safe anywhere? Are they safe at home, on the street, at the house of relatives, at school - anywhere? Can parents be sure that their children will be safe? The answer to this terrible question is difficult and unpopular for our society. For the safety of children, social awareness is needed along with legal measures. Every family must be aware, every educational institution must be responsible, and the law enforcement agencies must be stricter.

The role of the media is also important in bringing such incidents to light. On the one hand, the media increases awareness, on the other hand, it helps to expedite the judicial process. However, the media must be sensitive so that the victimized family is not further harmed. In addition, the message of awareness needs to be spread on social media as well. Children are our future. Ensuring their safety is our moral and social responsibility. Therefore:

1. Law enforcement agencies need to be more proactive - quick action should be taken in every case of sexual violence.

2. Judicial reform is needed - to ensure speedy punishment for rape, there should be no delay in the legal process.

3. Social awareness needs to be increased - every family needs to be more careful with their children and be aware of strangers.

4. Awareness education needs to be introduced in schools and educational institutions - children need to be taught how to defend themselves in times of danger and be aware of strangers.

5. Zero tolerance policy should be adopted against rape and violence against women - every level of society should take a strict stand in this regard.

That child from Magura will never return to her mother's lap, hold his father's hand in school, play with her siblings. Her frozen body is looking at us. Doesn't our conscience tremble? We must take this pledge so that the blood of this child does not destroy the dreams of another child. Otherwise, we will fail again, witnessing yet another blue dream.

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