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Inaugural issue 1 : Heading towards a smart Bangladesh

To what extent do women need to prepare for smart Bangladesh?

Dalia  Nilufar

Dalia Nilufar

Wed, 27 Dec 23

The dream of a digital Bangladesh has not disappeared from the people of this country; instead, a new one has taken its place. Smart Bangladesh. In short, that speaks of a cost-effective, knowledge-based, innovative, sustainable and intelligent country. That is, the country will dress up in a new way. The country will be bright, sparkling and shining in everything, not only in dress or appearance but also in behaviour. In 2041, that is, after only 18 years, Bangladesh will be among the developed countries.

Bangladesh is a country of dust and mud. The nation that was satisfied with food and sleep, is dreaming of shaking off the dust and moving on a new path. Although small, this country is a country of billions of people. If you count the number is 16 crores. Among them, the number of women is about 8 crore 33 lakh, 47 thousand, which is more than men, in addition, to 50.4 percent of the total population. Therefore, they are important as well as valued as manpower, but not all of them are functional. There are also senior citizens, who are not able to work.

Women are men's 'long time companions'. The creator was the first to understand that. A life without a woman is an incomplete life. In everything in the world, women wander everywhere. So, it is almost impossible to build a smart Bangladesh without women. As the world ages, the need for and importance of women will increase. That is because the worldly activities of people will increase with time. And I want women's support to deal with him.

Health is the root of all happiness. Therefore, healthcare is being talked about for the citizens of smart Bangladesh. I am also hearing about big hospitals and seasoned doctor Kaviraj, but the balanced diet that he needs to keep his body healthy is not mentioned anywhere. If it is not possible to buy food at high prices, what will they eat to survive and sustain their bodies, that is the question. I think it is advisable to try to prevent diseases before building expensive hospitals for them. "Prevention is better than cure" is our childhood education.

'Woman' is the one who gives birth to man. Therefore, I want her physical health first. Although this is equally applicable to all people, but to make women for Smart Bangladesh, their health aspect should be taken into consideration first. Her food, treatment, medicine should be within reach. People say 'people-oriented work', but not only work, but they also want moderate rest. Otherwise, life will be a painful race.

Long gone are the days of only practicing women's beauty. The idea that she could work with miraculous powers was almost unknown among people for a long time. The use of women was different, which was confined in dance, music and entertainment. All this was going on with them. They were treated just like puppets. Simply as products in demand for the market. Just rub it. Whatever the apocalypse, women were once more in demand for their physical beauty than their intelligence. Maybe it still is the same. Women did not have much to say about this. But time is changed now. People now value intelligence more than beauty.

Just as hair is inevitable with the head, the physical health of a woman comes immediately after her mental health. That is her mental well-being, her standard in the world is about dignity, about evaluation. How much the family and surroundings have kept her at ease should also be seen. Many times, women suffer from stress and abuse in the workplace. Insecurity overwhelms them emotionally, which hampers women's mental well-being. Therefore, these issues should be taken into consideration to create a suitable working environment for women.

I don't know if it was before. Maybe it was. If the family is a theater, women have different roles there. They walk gracefully everywhere, indoors and outdoors. Their driving power is so high that simply calling them 'drivers' is correct. Starting from writing at home, business, judicial work in the court and even the ministry is in their possession. They also proved that with their skills. There is no way to ignore women. Looking at the results of this year's secondary examination, girls are ahead in the race for education. The honourable Prime Minister asked the question, "Why are the boys lagging behind?"

I heard that if the house is not in order, nothing is in order. And the family is the place where the question of valuation arises. It is essential. Therefore, proper assessment of women should be done from home, first. At the same time, family support is a great encouragement for women. She grew up in the family. Family is her strength. Just as light, air and water are needed for planted plants, so too.

Skill is more important than ability. If you think about it from that aspect, women have indeed been empowered in this country, but they are far behind in terms of what is meant by skilled female manpower. So being a woman is not the end of women. A woman should be a proper woman. Women will increase their cooperation to build a smart Bangladesh, but before that women must create more. Along with education, they should be educated and skilled technically. Our women are more in number, but technically their quality is less. The participation of women in the technology industry is also not very significant. Only 1-8 percent of those working in advanced technology are women. That is, those who are used to and skilled in using technology. For some, technology is still just using a mobile.

It should not be forgotten that there is many women in our country in rural areas, for whom technology is like a wild dream, a curiosity mixed with fear. How they will come under it is also a matter of consideration. They should not be left out of the Smart Community.

Women's power has always been amazing. What will happen, but the history of disrespecting women is ancient. Of course, sometimes women themselves participate in the dishonour of themselves. On the one hand, International Women's Day is celebrated in this country. Likewise, a minor girl is punished, for being raped, with one hundred lashes. In the words of Fatwabaz, which is "Dorra"! I also see that the husband shackled his wife to bed for fifteen consecutive years. Heavy punishment for not getting dowry! Many women in this country are suffering from this hopeless, irrational pain! Therefore, along with women's education and technical education, their safety should also be considered. Whether they are safe outside the house or not should also be considered. We should remember that technology is for people, not people are for technology.

We need to create opportunities for women and at the same time develop them in such a way that they can use those opportunities to succeed. It can be said that technology training is inevitable for them. People are already very isolated from social life. At the same time, instead of being natural, life has become mechanized, lifeless and soulless, which is at least unhealthy for humans. So, the social life of women should be brought back. Because of technology, people are communicating, but people are not coming together. Even though they are being reunited, unity is not being created between them. Socially this separation is felt from person to person. At any rate, it should be minimized.

A woman's mental health depends a lot on her social life. So, not only the technical skills but also the human aspect of people should be emphasized with importance. It must not be lifeless in any way. We want to keep women spontaneous with comfort, safety and everything inside and outside the house. It is that 'Woman' who is forever devoted to service and welfare. For whom a responsibility to stand beside others is forever.

Napoleon Bonaparte wanted an educated mother to give birth to a civilized and educated nation. It is about the 18th century. His perception was correct. His good thoughts reached the minds of the people of this country like waves. Otherwise, the need for skilled women would not have been so great to create a smart Bangladesh after such a long time.

Author: Journalist

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