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Anti-corruption body Transparency International Bangladesh

No more loans in the name of grants
No more loans in the name of grants

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No more loans in the name of grants

Bangladesh ranks seventh among the top 10 countries most affected by climate change. The increasing global temperature is leading to more frequent occurrences of sudden floods, landslides, heatwaves, and droughts in Bangladesh. Researchers argue that the primary cause of climate change is the release of carbon dioxide by industrialized nations over the past two centuries. Despite their promises, these developed countries are not fulfilling their commitment to provide financial assistance to affected and vulnerable nations. Instead of providing grants, they are imposing various conditions on them to provide loans.

Crores of taka is being collected from Bus as extortion
Crores of taka is being collected from Bus as extortion

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Crores of taka is being collected from Bus as extortion

Yesterday, Wednesday (March 6th), the anti-corruption organization Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB) revealed in a study that approximately 1.60 crore taka is collected annually through extortion and irregularities from privately-owned buses and mini busses in the country.

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