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Wealth info of government officials

We want action, not just words

Editorial  Desk

Editorial Desk

Mon, 23 Sep 24

Officials and employees of government institutions play a crucial role in supporting politicians and managing the state. Therefore, it is vital for these officials to carry out their duties with honesty and integrity. Unfortunately, there is a significant lack of ethics among certain segments of government employees in our country, and no effective measures have been implemented to enhance their morale.

The interim government has announced an initiative requiring government employees to declare their wealth annually, which we commend. However, this initiative must go beyond mere rhetoric; it should be a meaningful and actionable process.

As reported in the media on September 23, the tradition of asset declarations every five years will now shift to an annual requirement for approximately 1.5 million government officials and employees. A press release from the Ministry of Public Administration on September 1 has instructed these employees to submit their asset statements. For this initiative to be successful, it is essential that the asset declarations are thoroughly reviewed and that appropriate actions are taken based on the findings. Only then can we hope to foster a culture of accountability and integrity within our government institutions.

The government on Sunday announced the date and process for the annual asset declaration of government employees during a press conference. The requirement for submitting asset accounts every five years was first introduced in 1979 and was amended in 2002, with additional rules added to the 'Code of Conduct' to enhance employee accountability. However, for over four decades, compliance with this rule has been lacking.

In the past, various ministries have not consistently requested asset statements from their subordinates. The relevant sections of the Code of Conduct (Sections 12 and 13) mandate that employees submit their asset statements to their respective authorities, yet this requirement has largely gone unheeded.

Against this backdrop, the Ministry of Public Administration has set a deadline for the current year, instructing all government employees to submit their asset accounts by November 30. This leaves only 69 days for compliance. Starting in 2025, the deadline for asset submissions will be changed to December 31 from 2025. For this initiative to be effective, it is crucial that all levels of government rigorously enforce compliance and ensure that these declarations are properly reviewed and acted upon.

The Ministry of Public Administration has stated that penalties will be imposed for discrepancies in asset declarations. While the assets of innocent employees will remain confidential, many still doubt the effectiveness of this initiative, believing that its true impact will only be revealed through implementation. Previous governments have made similar promises, but little has been accomplished.

Historically, state policymakers have utilized government officials and employees for political purposes, and there are numerous instances of individuals hiding wealth—sometimes even under the names of family members. The real test will be how much transparency can be achieved by addressing these complex issues. It is essential that these initiatives move beyond mere rhetoric and are genuinely enforced. Implementing these measures effectively is crucial for building trust and accountability within the government. Only then can we hope to see real change in the integrity of our public institutions.

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