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Will Shakib change as public representative?

Dulal Mahmud

Dulal Mahmud

Tue, 9 Jan 24

Whether you have a liking for cricketer Shakib Al Hasan or not is a matter of personal preference. However, it's impossible to discuss Bangladesh's sports arena without considering him. How to proceed without considering him? Who else has made Bangladesh proud like him in the international sports arena in terms of success? Shakib has demonstrated that Bangladesh has the potential to compete at the highest level, not just in cricket but in any field. He has become the world's best all-rounder, shining with brilliance in both batting and bowling. Although such a feat is rare and incredible, it should be natural for Shakib to achieve this milestone as he is a natural talent. Due to his achievements, the pathway to fame has been paved for him, allowing him the flexibility to manage it according to his preferences. While this statement may sound exaggerated, there is no need to be surprised given the way his rise has unfolded.

In reality, Shakib is unmatched both on and off the field. While he may appear very down-to-earth, once on the field, he transforms into a magician of sorts. His wizardry lies in both his batting and bowling skills. The enchantment he weaves with these tools leaves spectators spellbound, truly incomparable to any comparison. He has illuminated himself alongside cricketing giants, making the world tremble with his brilliance. Tied to his name are countless records and tales of success. In the realm of international cricket, his contributions to Bangladesh's standing are undeniable. Although comparisons with different players may not hold, he has been hailed as the finest sportsman in the history of Bangladesh's sports arena. This may spark debates, but there is no denying that Shakib Al Hasan has undeniably become a 'brand name' in Bangladesh's sporting landscape.

As a cricketer, Shakib has earned admiration and love, been lauded, but has also been sufficiently criticized in certain incidents. It is undeniable; fame comes with its share of criticism. The more popular one is, the more significant the criticism becomes. Managing this criticism is not easy, as it requires skill and resilience. Some individuals enjoy this scrutiny, while many find it irksome. The expression of criticism unfolds through various discussions and debates, each governed by its own set of rules. Shakib's publicized controversies give rise to diverse opinions and criticisms, creating a scenario where controversy seems reluctant to leave him.

In his 17-year cricket career, both on and off the field, numerous instances have led to debates and controversies centered around him. His demeanor and conduct with spectators, fans, fellow cricketers, umpires, and organizers have often left many aggrieved. He has faced hardships, losing composure in events that have tarnished his image. Despite the setbacks, he remains unapologetic. Being the 'poster boy' of Bangladesh's sports arena has made him the subject of universal curiosity. The news value associated with him is exceptionally high, prompting instant and widespread coverage across electronic, print, and online media with just a hint of a controversy. Despite this awareness, Shakib seems unable to control himself or heed the advice to exercise restraint. It's possible that controversies, criticism, or events are things he enjoys.

Despite all efforts to avoid controversy, Shakib has found himself in the midst of discussions. In 2010, while batting against India, he got into a heated exchange with a spectator near the side screen. After hitting a boundary, Shakib jumped over the boundary line and used inappropriate language, followed by threatening gestures towards the accused spectator. In the 2011 World Cup, following Bangladesh's disappointing batting performance against the West Indies, spectators booed him. In response, Shakib gestured with his middle finger, expressing his frustration. In 2013, when a fan requested an autograph, Shakib declined. When the fan persisted and made disparaging remarks, Shakib confronted him at the gallery, holding him by the collar. In 2014, while playing against Sri Lanka, he attempted a six but got caught on the boundary. During the television commentary on that dismissal, when the camera focused on him, he made an obscene gesture. That same year, during a match against India, he allegedly assaulted a spectator, accusing him of harassing his wife.

In 2015, during the BPL, Shakib displayed unsportsmanlike conduct multiple times with the umpires. He kicked the stumps and forcefully knocked the bails off on several occasions. Due to such behavior, the cricket-focused website Cricinfo once accused him of being the 'Bad Behaviour King.' Apart from that, he has been found guilty of violating the directives of the Bangladesh Cricket Board, keeping involvement in secret proposals from bookies, refusing to go on certain tours, violating environmental conservation by breaking the dam, being named in the share market scam investigation, inaugurating the shop of a murder suspect in Dubai, and prioritizing advertising over the game. Due to these allegations, he has faced multiple bans, financial penalties, and has sought forgiveness on several occasions.

But the interesting thing is, whenever intense criticism surrounds him, he almost always responds by delivering stellar performances on the field. There's a Bengali proverb that says, 'The cow that gives milk has to bear kicks.' Therefore, despite irregularities, injustices, and inappropriate behavior, Shakib can still carry himself with confidence. Such resilience is perhaps unparalleled among other cricketers.

While he may not have retired from the sports arena, Shakib Al Hasan has also stepped onto the political field. He has actively participated and even contested in politics, becoming a member of parliament, a significant role for any politician. However, politics is a challenging and lengthy process that requires gradual progression to reach higher levels. According to political science, politics plays an indispensable role in public life. The crucial issues and decisions of individuals in society are determined and influenced by political ideologies and decisions. It cannot be bypassed in social life. The allocation and distribution of national power and authority are defined through topics related to national politics. Naturally, an understanding of politics in terms of its economy, nature, and scope is essential. It is not an easily navigable path. Political success often involves numerous movements, sacrifices, courage, organizational skills, and, most importantly, public popularity. To become a public representative, gaining people’s favour is a significant factor.

Even before becoming a politician, Shakib has paved a smooth path to parliamentary membership by gaining popularity. As a parliamentarian, he shoulders the responsibility of representing a diverse group of people. The future of any society or nation depends on his competence, wisdom, and foresight. Shakib's journey as a Member of Parliament has just begun. He will surely grasp the political issues gradually. While he may have exhibited unconventional behavior as a cricketer, it may not be as acceptable in the realm of politics. Politics revolves around people, their hopes, aspirations, and ensuring their well-being. To be successful in politics, one must pay attention to the expectations and needs of the people, working diligently to implement various initiatives according to their capabilities. Shakib has made commitments to the people of his constituency. If he fails to uphold those commitments, gaining and maintaining the trust, love, and support of the people may become an insurmountable challenge.

Shakib's future as a politician remains uncertain. However, during the national parliamentary election campaign, an allegation surfaced against him involving the assault of a worker, which somewhat tarnished his image. The incident has been surrounded by a mix of truth and falsehood, creating unexpected complications. While this may have been a minor setback for him, establishing oneself as a reputable politician requires navigating through such incidents. Perhaps he needs to face such challenging situations, and he is no stranger to them. In many instances, he is captured for selfies or autographs, and often he has to gracefully handle physical closeness in various situations. Despite the adoration and love from fans, he needs to be astute and patient in such circumstances.

The political field isn't a bed of roses. Idealistic and principled politicians have devoted their entire lives to serving people without expecting any personal gains. They've faced adversities without seeking any advantages and endured atrocities. Shakib has stepped into politics knowingly. To achieve success in the political arena as he did on the cricket field, he'll need to exhibit even more responsible conduct. Despite the contrast between the sports field and the political arena, if Shakib Al Hasan harbors a genuine desire, integrity, and commitment, he can succeed as a politician. In this regard, he needs to be people-oriented, approachable, and attentive to their concerns. Drawing upon the success and popularity he achieved as a cricketer, Shakib Al Hasan has the potential to establish himself as an exemplary figure in the political realm if he can adapt to the challenges and transform himself as a representative of the people. Can Shakib bring about the necessary changes within himself for this transition?

Author: Editor, Fortnightly Sports Magazine Krirajagat

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