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15 including Tarique fugitive convicts in grenade attack case: PM

 VB  Desk

VB Desk

Wed, 12 Jun 24

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has said that BNP leader Tarique Zia and 14 other convicts of the August 21, 2004 grenade attack case are fugitives.

“Thirty four convicts were arrested while 15 others, including Tarique Rahman are fugitives out of 49," she told the Jatiya Sangsad (JS) on Wednesday (June 12) while replying to a tabled question from treasury bench lawmaker Farida Yasmin during the question-answer session.

The question-answer session slated for the Prime Minister was held at the beginning of the day's proceedings with Speaker Dr Shirin Sharmin Chaudhury in the chair, reports BSS.

"Efforts are on to arrest the fugitive accused," she added.

Sheikh Hasina, also the Leader of the House, said a total of 49 accused got various sentences that include capital publishment and life-term in the trial of the grenade attack case in Dhaka’s Speedy Trial Tribunal No-1 on October 10, 2018.

“Of the convicts, 19 were sentenced to death, 19 others to life imprisonment while the rest 11 to various jail terms,” she added.

Sheikh Hasina said that interpol served red notices on convicted accused Maulana Tajuddin, Harris Chowdhury and Ratul Ahmed Babu alias Ratul Babu who are absconding abroad.

Two cases - one under penal code and another under explosives substances law - were filed over the deadly grenade attacks on an anti-terrorism rally of then opposition Awami League in the capital city's Bangabandhu Avenue on August 21, 2004.

It is mentionable that former political Adviser to then Prime Minister Khaleda Zia, Harris Chowdhury passed away being fugitive in the August 21 grenade attack case, in 2021 and his family later confirmed his death.

In that grenade attack, the then opposition leader Sheikh Hasina survived, but 24 people were killed and more than 500 were injured.

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