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4 death row convicts captured hour after fleeing jail

Four death row convicts, who escaped from Bogura district jail, were captured within one hour of fleeing.

Sudip Kumar Chakraborty, superintendent of Bogura police, confirmed the rearrest.

Later, the convicts were taken to a press briefing at his office around 9:30am on Wednesday.

They are--Nazrul Islam Majnu, of Diadanga area in Bhurungamari upazila of Kurigram, Amir Hossain of Fazarkandi village in Madhabdi upazila of Narsingdi, Zakaria son of Abdul Mannan, mayor of Kahaloo municipality in Bogura and Farid Sheikh of Kuturbari Paschimpara area in Bogura.

Bogura Deputy Commissioner Md Saiful Islam said they came to know about the escape of jail inmates around 3:55am .

Later, around 4:30am, they were arrested from Chelopara Bridge area, half kilometer off the jail, he added.

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