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45 Bangladeshis return to Cox's Bazar completing prison sentences in Myanmar

45 Bangladeshis, who had completed long prison terms in Myanmar, have returned to Bangladesh. They were transported back by the Bangladeshi vessel Karnaphuli Tug-1 from the Myanmar Navy ship stationed in Myanmar waters.

The ship arrived at the BIWTA jetty in Nunyarchhara, Cox's Bazar, at 9:50 am on Sunday (June 9).

Rasheda Akhter, a resident of Jaliya Palang in Ukhia, said, "My son spent eleven months in a Myanmar prison after illegally journeying to Malaysia by sea. Today, he is finally returning." Seeing her son's face, she could not hold back his tears.

Another relative, Belal Uddin, shared, "Six of my close relatives were apprehended while attempting an illegal journey to Malaysia. They endured a prolonged period of imprisonment in Myanmar. Now, the government is facilitating their return. Our joy knows no bounds. It's an immensely gratifying feeling."

Minshwlee, 134 individuals from the Myanmar army and Border Guard Police, who sought refuge in Bangladesh due to internal conflict in their country, have been repatriated.

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