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5 private TV channels including Ekattor, Somoy attacked by angry mob

 VB  Desk

VB Desk

Sheikh Hasina resigned from the post of Prime Minister on Monday (August 5) in the face of the movement led by Students Against Discrimination (SAD).

Immediately after the announcement of the fall of government, thousands of students took to the streets.

Amid lawlessness everywhere, angry mobs attacked and vandalised various media offices, torching vehicles and ransacking offices.

A group of miscreants along with an angry mob ransacked the private TV channel ATN Bangla's office Karwan Bazar in Dhaka.

They vandalized and set fire to several cars parked in front of ATN Bangla building. They entered the ATN Bangla office and attacked the ransacked the TV station. Although the broadcast was not stopped, the normal operations of ATN Bengal were disrupted.

The mob also torched all the vehicles parked in front of ATN News. The angry crowd broke into the office and ransacked it. As a result, the authorities of ATN News, a sister concern of ATN Bangla, were forced to stop broadcasting.

A senior reporter of ATN News told the media, “There is nothing left in our office. Everything but the table was taken away. We are safe and have left the office.”

Several cars parked in front of Ekatar TV office at Baridhara in the capital were set on fire by another mob. Several journalists of the television have complained that chairs-tables, televisions and computers have been vandalized inside the office.

Meanwhile, agitated mob set fire to the vehicles parked in front of Somoy TV office at Bir Uttam CR Dutt Road in the capital. The angry crowd tried to enter the office. Several employees of the private TV channel said that the journalists who were in the office could leave the office unharmed.

The vehicles parked in front of the Independent Television office at Tejgaon was also vandalized. When the angry crowd tried to enter the office, the security personnel stopped them.

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