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Farakka Long March Day observed

All should be united to realise fair share of Padma water: Speakers

Speakers at a discussion have called upon all the countrymen to be united to realize the fair share of the water of trans-boundary river Padma.

What Maulana Bhasani apprehended 47 years ago is happening today, they said.

Speakers made the observations at a discussion organised by Heritage Rajshahi at a community centre in the divisional city on Thursday (May 16) to commemorate the 48th anniversary of Farakka Long March Day.

Eminent educationist and writer Professor Dr Salimullah Khan was the chief speaker at the discussion presided over by Heritage Rajshahi President and writer Mahbub Siddiqui. Journalist and writer Sardar Abdur Rahman presented the keynote at the discussion.

In his speech, Salimullah Khan said, “Responding to the call of national interest, Maulana Bhasani led the Farakka Long March at the age of 96 with serious illness. This leadership is still a source of inspiration for patriotic masses.”

Sardar Abdur Rahman said, “On May 16, 1976, under the leadership of Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani, the historic long march attended by lakhs of people was organized. The ramifications of the long march reached beyond the subcontinent to the international arena. Even today, this day is a source of inspiration for realising demands of the oppressed people from hegemonic powers.”

Former Rajshahi Mayor Mosaddek Hossain Bulbul, former National Museum Managing Director Faizul Latif Chowdhury, former president of Rajshahi Bar Association advocate Abul Kasem, central leader of DAB Dr Wasim Hossain, Professor Dr Kazi Mostafizur Rahman, Professor Dr Tarek Fazal, former General Secretary of Rajshahi Bar advocate Parvez T Zahedi, and Maulana Bhasani's family member Azad Khan Bhasani, among others, also addressed the discussion.

General Secretary of Heritage Rajshahi Toufiqur Rahman Lovelu delivered the welcome speech at the discussion conducted by Professor Dr Iftikharul Alam Masud.

The guests in the meeting unveiled the cover of a commemorative book published on the occasion.

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