Let the vow of establishing people’s rights be main commitment of government
As we all know, in a general sense, the rule of law is the main priority of law. The basic essence of the rule of law is the absence of arbitrariness in governance. It is well-established as an overall process and a practical matter. In establishing the rule of law, it is absolutely essential that the attitude of the legislators be in favour of the hopes and aspirations of the people. The law will be the criterion, not individuals, institutions, or parties, for determining every issue of state governance. All citizens of the state, regardless of religion, caste, tribe, class, party, or sect, are equal in the eyes of the law. Just as no citizen of the state can remain outside the purview of the law exerting his own influence, no citizen should be considered inferior in the eyes of the law. Every citizen of the state must have the opportunity to face the law for his actions and also to seek refuge in the law for his rights and demands.