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Md Shakhawat Hossain

  • Assistant Professor and Chairman

Assistant Professor and Chairman, Department of Criminology and Police Science, University of Chittagong.
How rational is BNP's opposition to India?
How rational is BNP's opposition to India?

How rational is BNP's opposition to India?

Since the formation of the Awami League government after 2008, the BNP has held press conferences every time the Prime Minister of Bangladesh has visited India, criticizing the visits. The BNP has consistently opposed the agreements and treaties made during these visits, presenting negative comments. Dear readers, do you think that all the memorandums of understanding and agreements with India since 2009 are unreasonable and anti-national? According to the BNP, they certainly seem to be. Is it possible that the BNP has reached a point where opposing the Awami League government means opposing India as well?

Human rights and policing
Human rights and policing

Human rights and policing

The concept of human rights is deeply rooted in sensitivity, wherein human rights are interpreted and contextualized concerning circumstances and environment. Human rights entail the harmonization of ethics and values, serving as a benchmark for humane conduct, which is determined based on moral principles and is explicitly recognized through both national and international laws. Every individual is inherently born free and equal in dignity and rights. This principle is enshrined in the first paragraph of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Crime propencity during Eid
Crime propencity during Eid

Crime propencity during Eid

During Eid-ul-Fitr, people from various walks of life have different long-term plans associated with the event. To implement these plans, there is a year-round effort among the general public. If we focus on businessmen, we can see that Eid is utilized as an opportunity for livelihood not only by foopath traders but also by all other classes and professions. Businesspeople, including footpath traders and others from various professions, actively engage in planning and implementing business strategies to capitalize on Eid. No one refrains from striving to give their business establishment a new look. Businesspeople, along with people from all other walks of life, target Eid to infuse vibrancy into their businesses. There is an inclination to cultivate a commercial mindset (focused solely on profit, product marketing) among a particular class targeting the simple and honest general public in Bangladesh. Criminals also target Eid with the intention of committing crimes, as the economic wheel expands during the season, and the active nature of the economy increases the temptation among them to engage in criminal activities.

Conspirators must be held accountable for their actions
Conspirators must be held accountable for their actions

Conspirators must be held accountable for their actions

One of the major obstacles on the path to realizing the true essence of "Sonar Bangla" (Golden Bengal) is posed by conspirators, corrupt elements, smugglers, plunderers, and miscreants. This class of individuals has consistently woven a web of deceit around the country, misleading its people and attempting to establish falsehoods in the face of truth. Through their schemes, they aim to portray Bangladesh as an ineffective and unstable state, striving to legitimize falsehoods amidst reality. These conspirators, whenever they find an opportunity, exploit it for their gain, either financially enriching themselves or maneuvering their way into positions of power. It must also be acknowledged that there are some individuals in Bangladesh who directly or indirectly support them.

Bangladesh: Zero tolerance for terrorism
Bangladesh: Zero tolerance for terrorism

Bangladesh: Zero tolerance for terrorism

Terrorism is a social disease and currently, it is a global phenomenon. French sociologist Emile Durkheim said terrorism is a social issue and has been socially established. This means that terrorism has gradually infiltrated into the fabric of society. Terrorism deviates from common criminal activities because its operations generally target civilians, focusing on unconventional populations. In Bangladesh too, most of the incidents of terrorism have targeted civilians. State law enforcement agencies are responsible for providing security to the civilian population. Weakening the state's security apparatus, often for self-interest, is a common objective behind carrying out acts of terrorism. In the political landscape of Bangladesh, there is evidence of collaboration between terrorists and political powers. Examining the history of numerous terrorist incidents worldwide reveals that behind each occurrence, there is often political support contributing to the incidents.

Conflict, violence in Bangladesh’s political history
Conflict, violence in Bangladesh’s political history

Conflict, violence in Bangladesh’s political history

Politics has the power to transform people's fortunes and stimulate the emergence of new ideas and perspectives. It is impossible to build the future of the country without politics. Hence, politics is deeply intertwined with our lives. Therefore, the interest of the people in this country in politics is comparatively higher. The number of politically aware people is constantly increasing.