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Bangladesh Embassy in US observes 'Genocide Day'

 VB  Desk

VB Desk

Tue, 26 Mar 24

The Bangladesh embassy in Washington DC has observed the "Genocide Day" in remembrance of the atrocities committed by the Pakistan army on the unarmed Bangalees on March 25 in 1971 under the infamous "Operation Searchlight".

The embassy organised the elaborate programs on Monday to pay deep homage to the martyrs who were brutally killed by the Pakistani force on the black night of March 25.

The day's programmes began with observance of one-minute silence in the memory of the martyrs of the Liberation War, says a press release.

The messages issued by President Mohammed Shahabuddin and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on the eve of the day were read out by Defense Attache Brigadier General Md Shahedul Islam and Minister (Political) Md Rashedujjaman.

A documentary was also screened on the brutalities of the Pakistan army in Bangladesh in 1971 and a seminar was held highlighting the importance of the day.

Bangladesh Ambassador to the United States (US) Muhammad Imran attended the seminar titled "Genocide in 1971”, while Counsellor (Political) Arifa Rahman Ruma presented the keynote paper.

While addressing the seminar, Imran paid rich tributes to the greatest Bangalee of all times, Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, and three million martyrs of the Liberation War.

The ambassador requested all to work unitedly to build "Sonar Bangla" (Golden Bengal) as dreamt by Bangabandhu, and join the journey of establishing a "Smart Bangladesh" by 2041 under the leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina being imbued with the spirit of the Liberation War and ideology of the Father of the Nation.

While presenting the keynote paper at the seminar, Arifa Rahman Ruma narrated the Pakistani military junta's atrocities and destruction on March 25 night in 1971 and following nine months in Bangladesh.

She underscored the need for making coordinated efforts by all concerned to get the international recognition of the genocide in Bangladesh.

The programmes ended with offering a special prayer seeking divine blessings for eternal peace of the departed souls of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and the martyrs of the War of Liberation.

First Secretary (Passport & Visa Wing) Muhammad Abdul Hye Milton conducted the programmes.

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