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Bangladesh faces drug problem despite not being a producer: Home minister

 VB  Desk

VB Desk

Wed, 12 Jun 24

Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal has said that despite not being a drug producing country, Bangladesh is under the grip of drug problem.

“This problem is mainly due to geography. Illegal drugs enter the country from neighbouring countries. Yaba, the most talked about drug of the time, is imported from Myanmar. Cannabis, phencidyl, heroin and injecting drugs enter our country from India,” he said while replying to a query during the question-answer session at the Jatiya Sangsad on Wednesday (June 12).

In response to the written question of ruling party lawmaker Nurunnabi Chowdhury, the home minister said, “All organizations are determined to implement the Prime Minister's 'zero tolerance' policy against drugs.”

“In order to protect the young society of the country from drugs and addiction, the government has taken multifaceted steps in the last 15 years. That is why dope test has been introduced to identify drug addicts. Dope test is being conducted for the identification of drug addicts before joining government jobs and getting admission in university. The introduction of dope test will discourage the youth from taking drugs,” he added.

In response to the same question, the home minister said in the last 15 years, about 1.4 lakh drug dealers have been arrested in the country. They were arrested in 11,13,470 narcotics cases filed during the time.

He said that in the last 15 years, the Narcotics Control Department has held 83,417 anti-drug meetings, seminars and workshops and screened anti-drug short films in 137 places. At the same time, anti-drug discussion meetings and anti-drug meetings have been held in various prisons of the country.

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