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Benazir must return home if convicted: Quader

 VB  Desk

VB Desk

Sun, 2 Jun 24

General Secretary of Awami League Obaidul Quader has said that former IGP Benazir Ahmed will have to return to the country if he is found guilty.

He said: "Even if Benazir goes abroad, the law will proceed at its own pace. One day, Benazir must face justice."

He said these things in a briefing at the Awami League president's office in Dhanmondi on Sunday (May 2).

At this time, Obaidul Quader said that the Anti Corruption Commission is investigating the matter. "Prosecution or arrest will be by all legal means."

Quader said individuals can commit corruption but what matters is how the government take action against the corrupt.

Obaidul Quader also said that Sheikh Hasina's government does not provide any shelter to the corrupt.

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