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Benazir's wife, daughters appeal to ACC seeking more time

 VB  Desk

VB Desk

Sun, 9 Jun 24

Former Inspector General of Police (IGP) Benazir Ahmed's wife Zeeshan Mirza and their two daughters have appealed to the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) seeking another 15 days to appear before the ACC.

ACC lawyer Khurshid Alam Khan confirmed the matter to Views Bangladesh.

ACC started investigation after allegations of amassing illegal wealth were raised against former IGP Benazir.

Later, a Dhaka court ordered the seizure of the movable and immovable assets and bank accounts of Benazir and his family responding to a plea filed by the ACC.

On May 28, the ACC sent a notice to Benazir and his family members summoning them for grilling.

The ACC asked Benazir to appear before it on Thursday (June 6) last and his wife and daughters on Sunday (June 9).

But later, on behalf of Benazir, his lawyer applied on Wednesday seeking 15 days to appear before the ACC.

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