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Bulkhead capsizes with 6,000 sacks of rice in Mongla

 VB  Desk

VB Desk

Mon, 1 Apr 24

A bulkhead ship named MV Shahajada-6 has capsized in the Mongla upazila of Bagerhat, with 6,000 sacks of rice on board.

The incident occurred on Sunday afternoon (March 31) when a lighterage vessel collided with the bulk carrier in the Poshur River.

According to the sources, the bulkhead left Khulna food warehouse for Bagerhat on Sunday morning. Later, it capsized carrying 6,180 sacks of government rice.

Confirming the matter, Mongla naval police in-charge Syed Fakhrul Islam said, "The lighterage ship MV Shahajada-6 was seized as it hit the rice-laden bulkhead."

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