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Canada expresses interest in boosting trade, investment in Bangladesh

 VB  Desk

VB Desk

Mon, 20 May 24

Canada has shown interest in broadening trade and investment ties with Bangladesh. This sentiment was conveyed by Canada's Indo-Pacific Trade Representative, Paul J. Thoppil, during a meeting at the Ministry office with Industry Minister Nurul Majid Mahmud Humayun on Sunday (May 19).

At the meeting, Canada's Indo-Pacific trade representative underscored the significance of enhancing trade and investment with Bangladesh. Expressing a warm welcome to the delegation, the Minister of Industry affirmed that the Ministry would extend full cooperation.

The Industry Minister said, "Bangladesh stands as one of the world's fastest-growing economies, attracting significant interest from developed nations like Canada. Several countries, including China, Japan, South Korea, and India, are making substantial investments in Bangladesh."

"Bangladesh has an investment-friendly environment with political stability, low-wage skilled labor and necessary infrastructure," he added.

Canada's trade representative said, "We are interested in investing in Bangladesh on a large scale with far-reaching goals and objectives in mind. Through this, commercial relations between the two countries will be strengthened and both sides will benefit."

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