China Eastern Airlines to operate Ctg-Kunming flights to help Bangladeshis access Chinese healthcare
China Eastern Airlines plans to operate flights from Chattogram city to Kunming to help people from Bangladesh's east to take treatment in hospitals in the southern Chinese city, officials said today (29 March).
China has dedicated four Kunming hospitals for the treatment of patients from Bangladesh, but the high air ticket cost is seen as a major impediment to travel to the Chinese city, according to a media statement issued by the Chief Adviser's Press Wing.
Officials said the planned flights between Kunming and Chattogram will bring down travel costs and travel time, paving the way for more Bangladeshis to access healthcare facilities in China.
Nazmul Islam, the Bangladesh ambassador to China, said the authorities in Kunming have dedicated hospital floors for Bangladesh people.
"The treatment fees are modest. A patient from Bangladesh pays the same fees as paid by local Chinese people," he said.
To expedite travel to Kunming, the civil aviation authorities in Dhaka have also moved to cut the air ticket cost for flights between Dhaka and Kunming, read the release.
Chinese authorities have said they would open up more healthcare facilities in the country for the Bangladeshi people.
In April, Bangladesh will also send a big team of journalists to Kunming to see for themselves the treatment facilities there.
Last month dozens of Bangladeshis travelled to Kunming for the first time for treatment. They spoke highly of the standard of hospitals there. But several have complained about travel costs.
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