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Don't care about US sanctions, visa policies: Quader

 VB  Desk

VB Desk

Tue, 14 May 24

Awami League General Secretary and Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader has said that the Bangladesh government remains heedless to US sanctions and visa policies.

Quader remarked that US Assistant Secretary of State Donald Lu has come to Bangladesh with his own agenda, emphasising that the government did not extend an invitation to him.

On the issue of Donald Lu's coming to Bangladesh, Quader said, “I do not want to discuss this matter. They come and go as part of their routine.”

"Donald Lu has come to Bangladesh with his own agenda, the government did not invite him," he said, adding, “He is not even a Foreign Minister! Why all this fuss about him!”

“We do not care about any kind of sanctions or visa policies,” Quader replied to a question about the political significance of Lu’s visit.

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