Eid journey: Trains departing on time, no hassle
Every year, millions of people leaving Dhaka for Eid face various difficulties during their train journeys; however, this year, trains are departing on time, making the journey more comfortable for passengers than in previous years.
On Saturday morning, passengers were seen waiting at the Kamalapur Railway Station before the train's departure; however, there was no heavy crowd or chaos as seen in previous years.
Although there was some crowd outside the platform, only ticket-holding passengers were allowed inside.
The railway authorities have implemented a three-tier security system, ensuring that no one can enter the station without a ticket.
Passengers have said that this has made the station environment much more organized and controlled than before.
In the past, people would climb on top of trains, which was both dangerous and illegal.
However, this time, the railway authorities have changed the situation.
For passengers' convenience, 25 percent of the total seats have been sold as standing tickets, allowing slightly more people than usual to travel on the train.
As a result, even though there is pressure from additional passengers, the chaotic scene of people climbing on train roofs is not seen this time.
Several passengers who arrived at the platform expecting trouble boarding the train found no crowd, and with ease ticket holders were able to board the train.
Shahadat Hossain, the station manager of Kamalapur Railway Station, informed that by 9am, 10 intercity trains had left for different destinations across the country, and none of the trains had been delayed.
Although there was a larger number of passengers on some of the morning trains, the crowd decreased as the day went on, he added.
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