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Maternal mortality in hospitals.

Ensure the life of postpartum mothers.

Editorial  Desk

Editorial Desk

Sat, 30 Mar 24

Even a few years ago, the natural childbirth of pregnant women was a very common occurrence. However, due to changes over time and the prevalence of medical interventions, the trend towards natural childbirth has significantly declined. Even a significant portion of society is inclined towards medical intervention during childbirth due to fear. And by adopting such a trend, the private hospitals of the country are leaning towards surgery even in unnecessary cases, which is ominous for the country.

Recently, the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics revealed that in the country's media, approximately 35 percent of childbirths involve unnecessary medical interventions. This has led to an increase in infant mortality rates, contributing to a significant impact on the country's life expectancy. Furthermore, the report also indicated that in Bangladesh, the rate of unnecessary medical interventions during childbirth exceeds 50 percent.

Today, Saturday (March 30th), another alarming news has been published in the media. According to the report, there have been numerous incidents of maternal mortality occurring after childbirth due to unnecessary medical interventions in some hospitals. Organizations of women's health and maternal health specialists are also examining the situation. Initially, it is speculated that the use of faulty drugs prior to medical intervention may be a cause of death.

According to health department officials, in the majority of mortality cases, several hours after medical intervention, there can be a decrease in postpartum urine output, which may eventually stop, blood pressure can decrease, kidneys may become oxygen-deprived, breathing difficulties may occur, and heart failure can result. Initial observations suggest that these factors contribute to maternal mortality.

We want to emphasize that such incidents are indeed alarming. Therefore, the health department needs to pay immediate attention. Effective investigations must be carried out. According to reports, the Health Department has formed a committee of 10 members to investigate maternal mortality incidents in hospitals only in Chittagong since March 28th. However, there is no information yet on the formation of investigation committees in other departments. However, despite the formation of investigation committees on various issues in Bangladesh, there is often a lack of follow-up. Neglecting this matter would be a suicidal decision. A nation's destiny and future are intricately linked with the health care services provided to mothers. If a mother's life becomes uncertain after childbirth, inevitably the child's life also becomes uncertain.

The most common and natural method of childbirth is vaginal delivery. Here, childbirth pain occurs in three stages: breaking of the water and dilation of the cervix, descent and birth of the baby, and delivery of the placenta. This method is considered healthy for both the mother and the baby. In developed countries, the majority of childbirths take place in hospitals, whereas in Bangladesh, in the past, most childbirths occurred at home with the assistance of traditional midwives. However, times have changed; now, like in the developed world, a significant portion of childbirths in our country also occur in hospitals. However, in developed countries, most women give birth through normal or natural methods. In Bangladesh, childbirths often involve unnecessary medical surgery.

The question arises: why is the number of unnecessary medical interventions increasing in childbirth in Bangladesh? Furthermore, the relevant department needs to be scrutinized. It's widely known that a significant portion of these unnecessary interventions stems from the profit-driven mindset of appointed doctors. A significant portion of the pharmaceutical business is involved in the sale of excessive medication. The unnecessary use of drugs is detrimental to both mothers and children. Now if that medicines are also defective, then it is nothing but a disaster for the nation!

So, we must prioritize ensuring the mother's well-being with the utmost importance in this matter. It's essential to remember that childbirth is not an illness; it's a very natural aspect of life. Therefore, unnecessary medical interventions should be avoided. However, when necessary, medical intervention should be carried out. So, if we don't follow the path of conscientiousness, unnecessary medical interventions will lead the situation towards further deterioration.

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