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Green Savers, BSRM Steels strike deal on green initiative

Press Release

Press Release

Mon, 23 Sep 24

The Green Savers Association, a leading environmental organization focused on urban greening and ecological sustainability, and BSRM Steels Limited, one of Bangladesh's foremost steel manufacturers, have entered into a joint agreement to launch a comprehensive greening initiative on Monday.

This program, under the "Tree Guardianship Program" of Green Savers, will engage teachers and students from 15 educational institutions across Dhaka and Chattogram metropolitan areas, fostering environmental awareness and responsibility among the younger generation.

The primary objective of this initiative is to actively involve students and teachers in tree planting and care activities, instilling environmentally responsible behaviors through direct participation. The program aims to make students more environmentally conscious by embedding hands-on experience in tree planting, care, and sustainability practices.

Both Green Savers Association and BSRM will provide all the necessary resources, including high-quality saplings, fertilizers, compost, and ongoing support for tree planting and care. "Our goal is to plant seeds of environmental awareness in the minds of students through hands-on conservation activities," said Ahsan Rony, Founder of the Green Savers Association. "The trees they plant today will grow into the legacy of a greener future, contributing to environmental protection for generations to come."

This initiative will also encourage the development of greener school campuses, with continued support from Green Savers and BSRM to ensure the growth and survival of the planted trees. Regular maintenance, guidance, and care will be provided to help the saplings thrive.

Since its inception in 2010, the Green Savers Association has led environmental initiatives in over 200 educational institutions nationwide, establishing itself as a pioneer in promoting environmental education and sustainabilit

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