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Ismail Ali, the Hero of Time

Editorial  Desk

Editorial Desk

Sun, 31 Mar 24

In Bangladeshi society, disbelief has gradually permeated various aspects of life. Adulteration in food and drugs has become rampant. People are being deceived in various ways. Not only are major crimes prevalent, but also massive amounts of money are being smuggled out of the country. Irregularities worth billions are occurring in major corporations. The stock market is rife with manipulation and deceit.

Here's a special news regarding a noble act by a driver named Ismail Mia, who operates a battery-powered Easybike in the city of Jessore. He found a bag containing a significant sum of money on the road and returned it to the owner. The bag contained four and a halh lakh taka.

The news published inside a daily newspaper yesterday (March 30) undoubtedly sparks hope. It reaffirms the trust that still exists among people, which is a testament to the importance of humanity. When Ismail Ali, a passenger of an Easybike, found the bag of money, another passenger, whose name is unknown, also deserves gratitude for cooperating with Ismail Ali. Together, they helped return the money to its rightful owner.

How much could be the daily income of an easybike driver? In Jessore city, he may earn five to seven hundred Taka. Ismail Ali has also come of age. He is 58 years old. At this age he should rest with his family. However, he still needs to go out with his vehicle and search for passengers at various junctions.

Four lakh Taka is a significant amount for Ismail Ali. If he hadn't returned the money, no one would have known. The only witness, the passenger, could have also been a partner in sharing the money, but he trusted Ismail Hossain and left the money with him. However, Ismail Ali informed the UP Chairman about receiving the money.

The owner of the money was happy and gave a gift of 20 thousand to Ismail Ali and the passenger who found the money. However, Ismail Ali actually deserves a much larger reward. He should be honored nationally because, in this era of disbelief, he has restored our faith. His contribution cannot be measured merely in monetary terms.

People like Ismail Ali still remain in this Bangladesh. They may appear ordinary, but in reality, they are extraordinary. They are the heroes of our time. These heroes have preserved the significance of humanity.

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