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Tofazzal's murder

Mob Justice Undermines Mass Uprisings

Zeauddin Ahmed

Zeauddin Ahmed

Sat, 28 Sep 24

Tofazzal Hossain, who was mentally unstable, was brutally beaten to death on September 18, 2024, at Dhaka University's Fazlul Haque Hall on the suspicion of theft. Six university students have since confessed to their involvement and provided statements in court. Among them is a former leader of the Chhatra League, who had served as the Deputy Secretary for Science and Technology Affairs in Fazlul Haque Hall's Chhatra League. He had resigned from the Chhatra League at the onset of the quota reform and anti-discrimination student movement, choosing instead to actively participate in the protests. The political affiliations of the other five have not been disclosed.

Despite repeated beating, Tofazzal repeatedly insisted he was not a thief; he simply sought something to eat. Eventually, he was taken to the hall's canteen, where he was served rice and curry. In the footage of him eating, there was no visible sign of his suffering; he appeared calm and content, focused solely on alleviating his hunger.

This haunting image evokes parallels with Azad, a freedom fighter who was captured by the Pakistani army. He, too, had yearned for a meal—rice offered by his mother—only to be killed before he could eat. His mother never touched rice again after that day. Tofazzal's tragic fate seemed not to disturb him; he remained tranquil, as if oblivious to the impending violence. This evokes a poignant reflection on the nature of suffering and acceptance. Similarly, Leonardo da Vinci’s masterpiece, "The Last Supper," depicts Jesus Christ enjoying a meal with his twelve disciples on the eve of his crucifixion, a moment of serene camaraderie before a tragic end.

Tofazzal was taken back to the guest room and stripped, legs and eyes bound and beaten again. The video shows many students present at the incident, so not just the six, but more students are responsible. Those present at the incident who did not kill Tofazzal are equally responsible for his death. Because no student present in the incident was seen trying stop the torture. Everyone enjoyed Tofazzal's tragic death scene. All the concerned students of Fazlul Haque Hall need to be summoned and interrogated repeatedly, the way the French police interrogated Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto's daughter-in-law Rehana after his younger son Shahnewaz Bhutto's death. Husband died of excessive drinking in his wife's presence - this was wife Rehana's crime.

Those who were silent while enjoying the sight of Tofazzal's death should be prosecuted. All the students in the vicinity who heard Tofazzal's screams but did not try to save him should be tried. Those students who peeked at the scene of torture and went back to their desks to study should be tried. House Tutor and Provost of Fazlul Haque Hall should be prosecuted without any excuse; University authorities should be judged. Tofazzal was beaten for six-seven hours, the university authorities could not find out why, that is why they need to be tried. The university authorities should also be prosecuted for making allegations of killings in the name of unidentified persons despite having videos of the incident.

There have been multiple cases of lynching in different parts of the country, and sadly, there seems to be no one standing up in the 'newly independent' Bangladesh. If someone asks anything, they say "Where have you been for 15 years?" It highlights the absence of any arrests or prosecutions of those committing torture over the past month. This suggests that after the mass movement, incidents like these may continue to occur. Some people even suspect a conspiracy behind these events, reminiscent of the party government era. With a party government in power, there’s a tendency to blame the opposition as shibir; however, it remains to be seen what the interim government will do now. Amid the prevailing anarchy, many believe that labeling someone as an accomplice of a dictatorial government absolves perpetrators of accountability and the need to face justice.

Abrar Fahad, a student of BUET, was tortured and killed by Chhatra League members during the Awami League's tenure under the guise of a 'shibir.' Although 14 individuals were sentenced to death for this, the university authorities were not held accountable for their negligence regarding the students’ behavior.

I gained admission to Dhaka University in 1974, and my hall was Fazlul Haque Hall. It is a shame that Tofazzal was beaten to death. Students of Dhaka University take pride in their educational institution; everyone here is brilliant. If he were intelligent, one would think he would understand how a young man could forget everything and eat rice without fear after being brutally beaten. If Tofazzal was healthy, the instinct to survive would outweigh the desire for food. Those who failed to grasp Tofazzal’s mental state while witnessing him eat after such violence—yet are hailed as 'geniuses' of the country’s top universities—are truly insulting their own merit. The distorted meaning of the word 'genius' has already spread across social media.

A life was brutally taken in an institution like Dhaka University. Tofazzal has no parents, brothers and sisters in this world. While his parents were alive, under their care the mentally instable Tofazzal would occasionally recover; But he never recovered after the death of his parents. If he was at home, he would have chains on his feet, so he ran away from home and roam around the area around Dhaka University, sometimes he would collect food, and some days he would not eat. Tofazzal probably went in search of food. Before his death he was able to eat, maybe he had faith that he would not be beaten again.

How delicious the food is can't be understood unless you are extremely hungry. After the interim government came to power, a young man was seen beating street prostitutes; A prostitute could not save herself even after running half a kilometer to escape from the young man, mercilessly beaten in front of everyone. The indifference of the government gave him so much courage that he went to Cox's Bazar and harassed the girls in front of the police. The police supported the baton of the frightened youth. No one wants to be a prostitute if food is guaranteed. A group of miscreants attacked mountaineer Shayla Bithi while crossing a road in Dhanmondi of the capital. As the police are not active, everyone believes that the power of the country is now in the hands of the 'mob'. Former Chhatra League leader Shamim Mollah was beaten to death in Jahangirnagar University in the name of 'mob justice' while in custody of the proctor.

If the violence that is happening all over the country in the name of 'mob justice' is not stopped immediately, the law and order situation will further deteriorate, the image of the interim government will be tarnished, the demand for establishing a party government will become stronger and stronger. Mob justice calls the uprising itself into question, even though the coordinators speak out against mob justice. People have no sympathy for the party government, people want the longevity of the interim government led by Muhammad Yunus; But if their trust and faith is shattered, the nation will again plunge into darkness. In the early days people killed animals for food, now people are killed for fun; Neither the killer nor the victim knows why killing is necessary. Because of the unknown murder, in the record of our pride Dhaka University, the Oxford of the East, has been written, 'Here you can get rice in exchange for life'.

Zeauddin Ahmed: Former Executive Director, Bangladesh Bank and former MD, Mint.

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