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Sakhawat calls for surrender of all illegal firearms in one week

 VB  Desk

VB Desk

Home Affairs Adviser Brigadier General (retired) Sakhawat Hussain on Monday urged everyone to surrender illegal and unauthorized firearms, including rifles taken from law enforcement during recent unrest, to the police by August 19.

Sakhawat Hussain stated, "If these firearms are not returned to local police stations, we will conduct a weapon hunt. Anyone found with these weapons will face two charges: one for possessing illegal firearms and another for holding government-issued weapons."

He announced this timeframe while addressing reporters at the Combined Military Hospital (CMH) in Dhaka.

Sakhawat Hossain said, “The videos show that young individuals are using these rifles. I advise you to return them by next Monday (August 19). If they are not returned, we will begin a search. These weapons are prohibited and are for law enforcement use only.”

“How did weapons intended for law enforcement end up in civilian hands? I saw a video of a civilian attacking an Ansar member and taking a rifle, which has not been returned,” he added.

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