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Six reform commissions to release full reports today

 VB  Desk

VB Desk

The full reports of the six reform commissions will be made public today, Saturday.

Following the release, the National Consensus Commission will hold its first formal meeting to engage with political parties and other groups involved in the July mass uprising.

On Thursday, a meeting of the commission heads took place at the temporary office of the National Assembly, where they discussed the release of the full reports of the commissions, which have already been submitted to the interim government.

The meeting also focused on the government's plans for implementing the immediate actions outlined in the reports.

The meeting was attended by Professor Ali Riaz, head of the Constitutional Reform Commission; Dr. Badiul Alam Majumder, head of the Electoral Reform Commission; Safar Raj Hossain, head of the Anti-Corruption Commission Reform Commission; Dr. Iftekharuzzaman, head of the Public Administration Reform Commission; and Abdul Mueed Chowdhury.

In total, the government has established 11 reform commissions in two phases to propose reforms in various sectors. The first phase, launched in October, saw the creation of commissions for Public Administration, Police, Anti-Corruption Commission, Election System, Constitution, and Judiciary Reform. In the second phase, five additional commissions were formed to propose reforms in the media, health, labor, women's affairs, and local government systems.

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