A year has passed. Before we knew it, 2024 is now behind us. The Earth has once again orbited the Sun. So many words and stories have accumulated over the past year. In the new year, a new story will begin. However, some names will not be part of that story. This past year, we have lost many dear people. Some have lost family members, while others relatives. Even if they weren’t family, there are people who connect with us in such a way that they become like close friends, or even family. At the end of the year, their names are recorded in the annals of memory. Newspapers have published tributes to them under the heading, "Those We Lost This Year." It seems like just a list of names, numbers, and individuals. But their contributions to our arts, literature, and culture are so significant that they can’t simply be captured in a biographical account. Even though they have passed from our sight, their names continue to be written in our tears.