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What to do to cure breast cancer
What to do to cure breast cancer


What to do to cure breast cancer

Hearing the word "cancer" often sends chills down one’s spine. There was a time when cancer was thought to have no answer and was considered a death sentence. But today, this perception is baseless. With the advancements in modern science, cancer is no longer an inevitable end. Cancer treatment is now within reach, and if detected early, it’s possible to treat and even fully cure this disease in many cases. The challenge is that many women don’t seek medical advice promptly.

Ensure the life of postpartum mothers.
Ensure the life of postpartum mothers.


Ensure the life of postpartum mothers.

Even a few years ago, the natural childbirth of pregnant women was a very common occurrence. However, due to changes over time and the prevalence of medical interventions, the trend towards natural childbirth has significantly declined. Even a significant portion of society is inclined towards medical intervention during childbirth due to fear. And by adopting such a trend, the private hospitals of the country are leaning towards surgery even in unnecessary cases, which is ominous for the country.

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