West Pakistan
Bangalees united by linguistic identity, not communal affiliation
Nationalism is inherently political; it raises questions about the formation and dissolution of states. Language, however, transcends the state and holds possibilities that are not only vast and profound but also both democratic and socialist in nature. This is because linguistic identity has the power to surpass class divisions. Our language movement was democratic in multiple ways. Firstly, it aimed to establish the rights of the Bengali-speaking majority within the Pakistani state structure. Secondly, it sought to unite Bengalis not on the basis of class or communal identity but through linguistic identity, which carried an inherent socialist aspiration.
Hindu-Muslim Riots: Who gains and who loses?
Hindu-Muslim Riots: Who gains and who loses?
March 7 speech brought the independence: PM
Explaining the greatness of the historic March 7 speech of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has said that this speech not only inspired the people and prepared them for a guerilla war but also has brought independence for the nation.