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Tourist spots re-open in Bandarban after a long time

Tourist spots at Thanchi upazila in Bandarban reopened on Sunday (June 23) to travellers after being closed for more than two-and-a-half months due to armed violence perpetrated by Kuki-Chin National Front (KNF).

However, travel to remote areas such as Nafakhum, Amiyakhum, Andharmanik, Baramadak, and Chotamadak is still restricted due to security concerns.Tourist spotsKNFThe travel ban remains enforced in Rowangchhari and Ruma upazilas, according to a source concerned.

Thanchi upazila nirbahi officer (UNO) Mohammad Mamun said, "Tourists will have access to approved spots designated by the local administration from Sunday. This decision was made during a meeting attended by law enforcement agencies, public representatives, the hotel owners' association, and representatives from the tourist guide association on Saturday morning."

"Tourists are permitted to visit Tindur Barapathar, Remakri Waterfall, Tamatungi, and Dim Pahar tourist spots. Access to other locations is still restricted for security reasons. Representatives of the guide association have been briefed on authorised and restricted areas for tourist visits," he added.

Simeon Tripura and Mongesa Marma, tourist guides from Thanchi upazila, said that all tourist spots were closed for approximately three months starting from April 3. Although tourist numbers typically decrease during the monsoon season, the lifting of the ban is expected to attract some visitors.

Hoping that this reopening would provide a boost to tourism-related businesses in Thanchi that were affected by the closure, they said that tourists visiting the area will get wholehearted hospitality.

Earlier, Rowangchari, Ruma, Thanchi, and Alikadam in Bandarban faced restrictions in several phases due to security concerns stemming from KNF activities and the operations of anti-KNF joint forces.

With the improvement of situation, the administration withdrew the ban across all upazilas. However, following incidents on April 2 and 3, including a KNF bank robbery, looting of weapons of law enforcement personnel, and attacks on security force members in Ruma and Thanchi, the administration imposed travel restrictions again.

Sirajul Islam, General Secretary of District Residential Hotel Owners Association, said, "After a long time, tourist arrivals in the district are expected to rise following the lifting of the travel ban in Thanchi. Tourist spots in Rowangchari and Ruma upazilas had been closed for nearly three months due to security concerns, causing hardship for tourism-related businesses in the district. In response to the prevailing conditions, local businessmen have urged the authorities to reopen the Devtakhum tourist spot in Rowangchari upazila."

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