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Train service between Rajshahi, Kolkata soon

Train service from Rajshahi in Bangladesh to Kolkata in India is set to start in a short time.

The announcement came after Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's meeting with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi at Hyderabad House in New Delhi on Saturday (June 22).

After the meeting between the Prime Ministers of the two countries, a 10-point memorandum of understanding was signed. Apart from this, 13 announcements were made after the meeting, including the operation of trains between Rajshahi and Kolkata.

Bangladesh Awami League presidium member and Rajshahi City Corporation Mayor AHM Khairuzzaman Liton had been trying for a long time to start Rajshahi-Kolkata train service. It was also among his 2018 and 2023 election promises.

In the 2023 election manifesto, the 'Industry-Trade, Communication and Infrastructure Development' sector number 6 includes Rajshahi to Kolkata train and Rajshahi to Kolkata air and Rajshahi to Kolkata direct bus service.

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