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We are here to speak for workers: PM

 VB  Desk

VB Desk

Wed, 1 May 24

Awami League President and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina urged workers to stay away from violence. She said, "We are here to speak for the demands of the working class in our country."

The premier came up with the remarks while addressing a discussion as the chief guest marking the historic Great May Day at the Bangabandhu International Conference Centre (BICC) in the capital organised by the Ministry of Labour and Employment.

The Prime Minister said, "I must emphasize that certain individuals within our nation, quite literally, attempt to incite workers to take to the streets. Consider this: the factories that supply your sustenance, clothing, and employment—should they be destroyed, vandalized, or set ablaze, who ultimately suffers?"

She said, "Workers like yourselves are experiencing harm, families are affected, and the country suffers. Even the owners are being impacted. However, the owners no longer rely solely on one business, they have more businesses. They might be able to recover their losses, but you cannot recover your losses."

The premier further said, "My door is open for all. Come to me if you feel any trouble. I will solve the problems. Keep one thing in mind, I am not only the prime minister, but also a daughter of the Father of the Nation."

"I want the owners to pay special attention to the labourers reducing their luxury a little bit as the labourers have given you the scope to lead lavish life by increasing production through their hard work," she added.

Stating that men and women get equal wages in Bangladesh, the PM said, "In many countries of the world, women do not get equal wages even in many developed countries. Women in Bangladesh get equal wages. Today our number of working women has increased to 43.1 percent, which was only 22.81 percent. Now girls can work in all fields, we have created that opportunity. We have made arrangements for their security."

The Prime Minister called upon employers and workers to enhance production levels while upholding strong working relationships.

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