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AK Abdul Momen

  • Member of Parliament, Former Foreign Minister

AK Abdul Momen: Member of Parliament, Former Foreign Minister, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh
What do such death and destruction indicate
What do such death and destruction indicate

What do such death and destruction indicate

Movements and protests take place in many countries of the world. Then police arrested the protesters and send them to jail; But nowhere do so many people die, nowhere do so many public and private property, cars and houses are torched, offices and courts are vandalised. Why does this happen in our country? Don’t we love our country?

Bangladesh's contribution to establishing a peaceful world
50 years of Bangladesh at the UN Bangladesh's contribution to establishing a peaceful world

Bangladesh's contribution to establishing a peaceful world

Bangladesh became the UN's 136th member on September 17, 1974, and ever since, it has been a contributing member of the UN. Bangladesh is a role model in achieving many of the UN goals. The UN may not achieve sustainable peace in the world yet, but in the social, economic, and health sectors, its achievements are significant. Because of the UN and its approach of targeting goals in the area of social, health, economic, and education sectors, for example, it helped in reducing poverty and hunger across nations, increased enrollment in primary schools significantly, infant and maternal death rates has reduced substantially, people below the poverty and hunger level has gone down in many countries, the longevity and comforts of life and living has improved all across nations.

Bengal's sacrifice led to the Independence of USA.
Bengal's sacrifice led to the Independence of USA

Bengal's sacrifice led to the Independence of USA.

The 4th of July is celebrated as the Independence Day of the United States of America. On that date in 1776, the leaders of the continental 13 colonies of America adopted the Declaration of Independence from the British dominion. The 4th of July was first celebrated on the 8th of July in Boston and Philadelphia in 1777.

Government officials, despite being the main actors, remain beyond accountability
Government officials, despite being the main actors, remain beyond accountability

Government officials, despite being the main actors, remain beyond accountability

A long time ago, when I was in China, I saw big cranes all around the hotels building tall skyscrapers. Cities were emerging overnight. Nowadays, as I travel around various places in Bangladesh, I feel a sense of excitement in my heart seeing the construction of large buildings and high-rise structures. Development work is taking place in every nook and corner of the country, streetlights are shining in villages and towns, and the quality of life for people is improving. I am immensely happy to see Bangladesh progressing even in challenging environments. However, due to a few corrupt government officials and touts, the country is suffering from bad publicity. As a result, foreigners are finding opportunities to advise us, which is a matter of national shame.

Budget 2024-25 to increase the tyranny of Black Money Holders
Budget 2024-25 to increase the tyranny of Black Money Holders

Budget 2024-25 to increase the tyranny of Black Money Holders

The national budget is not merely an annual account of income and expenditure but, in the current context, it serves as a tool to earn the trust and confidence of the people. The government's vision and goals are not confined within the boundaries of budgetary directives alone. Instead, it reflects the initiatives or measures the government is taking or will take to achieve or address issues related to the country's tendencies, resource acquisition, or problem-solving in various aspects. It provides direction on how the government intends to fulfill or will fulfill the expectations of the citizens.

Money laundering in any way is never justifiable
Money laundering

Money laundering in any way is never justifiable

Finance Minister Abul Hasan Mahmood Ali presented the proposed budget for the fiscal year 2024-25 in the National Parliament today (June 06). This marked Bangladesh's 53rd full-fledged budget and the 16th consecutive budget under the present government. It was also the first budget presented by Finance Minister Abul Hasan Mahmood Ali.